#shared by Guka .. .......Do you agree?!! GOVERNORS’ - TopicsExpress


#shared by Guka .. .......Do you agree?!! GOVERNORS’ REFERENDUM CALL SELFISH The persistent call for a national referendum by the governors is driven by personal motives as opposed to national ones. For this reason, all Kenyans should join hands in rejecting the call for constitutional change. The governors for example, are just angered by the persistence by the senate that they present their expenditure for the monies allocated to the county government by the national one in the just concluded financial year. May be out of the simple reason that they had some shady deals which they feel may jeopardize their political careers, or they mismanaged the funds, the governors have fought the proposal tooth and nail not to report to the senate oversight committee. This, funded by the recent signing of the bill by the president to make the senators automatic chair persons of the county development committee boards against the wish of the governors has ignited the imperative advocacy for the constitutional change. Since they know that they have no national agendas that can attract support from across the counties, they have decided to entice the MCAs into their quest. They have promised them moon on a plate should they make the mission succeed. They have promised the MCAs goodies which are too attractive to resist. The chairman of the council of Governors will ensure that the MCAs enjoy privileges equal to those for MPs. They too are going to be given car grants at the expense of the electorate, so that they may take charge at the grass root their pursuit for the constitutional change. This is a clear indication that the governors have no clear agenda to appease the people to support their referendum call, and therefore has to rely on promises to those they perceive have massive following to push for their egocentric agendas. Since when did car grants and luxurious lives to the MCAs start adding value to the lives of the common citizens? Throwing out the governors’ referendum calls is the only sure way to register the dissatisfaction of the Kenyan electorate and the massive lot from the public coffers by the elected county officers. Furthermore, if they have vehemently refused to be accountable for what they already have received from the national government, how can they convince the people to fight for them to be entrusted with even much more funds? Much as every Kenyan might be thirsting for fortifying devolution, it should only for the wellbeing of all the people and not just for just a few gluttonous individuals. It is unfair for the governors to continue pushing for more funding and yet they can not account for the previous funding. Going by the history of previous referendum and national elections, a call for the same at this vulnerable period of time when the country is at the brink of civil turmoil is not only unnecessary but also risky. The current strife at the cost and parts of the rift valley, and the opposition’s day by day declaration of disapproval of the body in charge of elections and referendums, undoubtedly calls for sobriety when going for such desperate constitutional changes. This may end up bringing about unnecessary divisions in our country. The current push and pull within the different functions calling for change and the ruling coalition clearly indicates what to expect. With the outcome of the 2005 divisions and the 2007/8 bloody confrontations still vividly fresh in the minds of many Kenyans, it would be hasty to call for the same kind of engagements that lead to confrontation.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:23:12 +0000

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