(sigh) I liked paragraph 5 I know it was loosely focused, but that - TopicsExpress


(sigh) I liked paragraph 5 I know it was loosely focused, but that was kind of the point of it o well this is the last and final draft I no longer care. Its not perfect, but i am 90% happy with it dum dum dum so here is the final draft of this paper may I find a topic not quite so bleak next time. read if your bored its only like seven pshh you got this and dont let me know if anything is wrong or confusing 0_o I am so over editing this paper Humanity War To Save Those They Love Perfection and bliss are, but simple words, love though, turns them into something real, and unforgettable. Love frees you from the haze of day to day life and makes every moment precious, perfect, and something you can barely believe isn’t a dream. Love can drive someone to take on the world without any hesitation, or instead break them, leaving them shattered, and helpless in an instant. A fate, that sadly more than 100,000 people are meeting everyday because the ones they love dared to do the unthinkable. Reach their golden years, otherwise known as old age, the number one killer around the world. “Aging kills roughly 100,000 people every day worldwide” according to Aubrey de Grey PhD, who is the Chief Science Officer and Co-founder of sens, one of the organizations leading the fight against aging. Aging is responsible for diseases that kill 100,000 people everyday in the arms of the ones they love, leaving them broken, and hollow. Aging is worse then any plague, any disaster, and even worse then any atrocity we have done to ourselves. Aging is a menace that needs to be stopped! The cliff notes of the joys of aging, disease, death, pain, and the eventual lose of what makes you who you are. Aging at its worst, leaves a person unable to take care of themselves or even remember who they are, and at it’s best, it reduces what a person is capable of and then suddenly kills them. Aging is something that takes away almost everything that makes a person who they are, after all the happiest man in the world C2 world after waking up every morning in constant pain for 20 years isn’t going to be the same man he was. Aging is natural though, a completely normal part of everyday life. Aging is simply the build up of damage that the body naturally generates through it’s normal functions like breathing, eating, and soaking in sunshine. Everything a person does in their daily life damages the body, but the body is amazing at repairing its self. Over time, though the damage becomes too much, resulting in perfectly normal, natural, heart attacks,organ failures,cancers, and even alzheimers. A fate that every human on Earth is currently headed towards, after all these diseases are not infections or viruses they are generated naturally through the bodies normal function. Meaning that no matter how well a person takes care of themselves, eventually if they live long enough, they will suffer from these diseases and more. All people can do is delay or accelerate the process of growing old, suffering from chronic diseases, and ultimately dying At least 36.5 million people are killed every year by age related diseases and in 2012 according the World Health Organization “An estimated 56 million people died worldwide” Which means that about 65% of the people who died in 2012, died from age related diseases numbering36,500,000 people! This is an outrageous amount of people who died for no reason. One million people are dying every 10 days from age related diseases, one million precious, and unique individual’s that the world loses forever. These people each and every single one of them is special, so special in fact, that in this world there will never be a person who has the exact same personality or perceptive of those we are losing. People are truly priceless unique treasures, capable of untold greatness, and we are losing 36.5 million of them every year, but they are not just numbers. They are real C3 people, that have lived in their community’s for decades, and have many loved ones that are devastated by their loss, but there is nothing they can do. Aging is a ticking clock that plans on robbing humanity of whoever they hold dear. Whether that’s their mother, their father, their spouse, or even themselves. Right now, everyone on earth is headed to a fate that will slowly tear them apart, rip there mind away from them, and take away everything that makes them who they are. Death, might not even be the worst part of old age because long before you finally succumb, it takes so much away from you. After all, according to the Alzheimers Association “1/3 elderly individuals dies with Alzheimers.”This essentially means at least one out of three people who is 65 or older is losing their memories, is having great difficulty in forming new ones, and is basically losing everything that makes them who they are. Now, imagine watching this happen to someone you love. Imagine it’s someone you care for with all your heart, and imagine it’s someone you would trade this very world for. They have a one in three chance of losing themselves and if they don’t, odds are you will or someone else you love will. Time waits for no one and the way things are now, the ones we hold closest to our hearts are headed to fate where there is nothing we can do to help them, protect them, or even ensure they remember who they are. This is happening to people all around the world every single day, but thats not all.Alzheimers is only one of many disease that people are suffering from.All because they dared to to live, others leave them in constant pain, make walking down a set of stairs equal to running across a free way, and this isn’t something that is just going to go away. These diseases are natural, normal, and a part of our lives. C4 Natural some of the worst things in this world are perfectly natural, hurricanes, volcanoes, and diseases are all a perfectly normal part of life, but just because something is natural doesnt mean it should be accepted. A hundred years ago a paper cut could kill you, cost you your finger, your hand or even your whole arm, and all at it would take is a perfectly natural infection to occur. This is normal, natural, and yet most people were over joyed when the miracle drug penicillin arrived. Others were not and instead would choose to die rather then subject their bodies to the unnatural concoction called penicillin. This is the world we live in, people make their own choices, and form their own beliefs on what they think is right. The question is is aging any different from those infections that penicillin saved people from? Aging results in a number of diseases that could be entirely prevented if we improved regenerative medicine like heart attacks. There will never be a miracle pill that prevents heart attacks there will be something that makes hearts healthy again. Dying is natural, but so is fighting for those you love, fighting to see another sun rise, and so is fighting for a world that’s not ruled by a ticking clock. The stakes have never been higher and time is the enemy, for every day around a 100,000 people are lost forever. Their loss hasn’t gone unnoticed though, scientist’s around the world are marshaling together and some have even come up with plans that could lead to a lot of lives being saved. The current leader in the pursuit of the reversal of age related diseases is the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence otherwise know as the SENS organization founded by Aubrey De Grey and Michael Kope. Their plan is to target and repair the seven types of damages that accumulate in a persons life. This would lead to the prevention of the age related diseases because these damages turn C5 into diseases after the damage passes a certain threshold if the damage was removed though no disease. As a metaphor example they compare the body to that of car. If you fully take care of a car, do amazing maintenance it won’t brake down, and the human body is the same. For a in depth view on their plans you can visit sens.org or read Ending Aging by Aubrey De Grey and Michael Kope The sens foundation was founded in March 2009 and since then has had an open challenge to the scientific community as a whole to prove that there plan was wrong, that it wouldnt work, and it’s 2014 almost 2015 and there plan remains the same. After countless debates with leaders of people in the biological field; SNES as it stands can work. The only difference now is that SENS spent 2,882,298 dollars in 2013 alone according to the SENS Research Foundation Annual Report. Almost three million dollars spent on research alone, but while that may sound like a lot the U.S government according to the National Cancer Institute spent 285.9 million on lung cancer, 255.6 million on Prostate cancer, 559.2 million on breast cancer, and 238.3 colorectal cancer. The list goes on and on, and the truth of the matter is a lot of diseases like cancer can be prevented if we had improved regenerative medicine and Sens is the leading organization against aging and the difference of the amount of resources they have available to them is staggering less 2% of lung cancer alone and there research could potentially help save the lives of millions of people who die every year. As if funding wasn’t a big enough problem there is that fact that some people don’t see aging as a bad thing, really a lot of people don’t. They don’t think about all of the people its affecting every single day. I mean who really want’s to think about how everyone they know is going to grow old and die or the C6 thousands dying everyday. Death isn’t exactly heart warming stuff, but it’s something that does need to be talked about especially if people are dying from something that’s preventable. This is a list of reasons people are opposed to ending aging overpopulation, aging is normal, bad people wouldnt die off, only the rich would stay healthy, Isn’t there bigger problems in the world? and why would people be motivated to do anything with all the time in the world? There is one small problem though with each and every single one of these issues they ignore the simple fact that millions of people are dying every year. Millions! If it takes 20 years which is a optimistic time line to end aging then at least 730 million people will be gone forever. There isnt time to worry about the semantics of what life extension could do to our society. Time is not on there side, but we have all the time in the world to iron out each and every single one of these issues. Life as we know it could be coming to an end or at least according to the former US Comptroller General David Walker (the guy who was in charge of auditing the united states budget) statesIf nothing changes, the federal governments not gonna be able to do much more than pay interest on the mounting debt and some entitlement benefits. It wont have money left for anything else - national defense, homeland security, education, you name it, on cost were number one in the world. We spend 50 percent more of our economy on health care than any nation on earth, Right now our country is in a downward spiral of debt stemming largely from the cost of medical care, but if we can improve our medical care, making people fit, and healthy again. Then that cost of about 23 trillion dollars will substantially be reduced, because people would be able to go back C7 to work, and wouldn’t be suffering from chronic diseases that repeatedly send them to the doctors. Right now the world is losing millions of people, families and even countrys are being dragged into an almost endless pit of debit, isn’t there a need for a change? If humanity stands together and pushes for funding for medicine that can save millions of peoples lives, then the world as a whole will gain a new appreciation for the value of life, the whole world will also have a lot more money to purse the things we enjoy, but the longer we wait the deeper the hole we dig for ourselves, and the millions of people we lose every year. This fight isn’t anything new it’s the fight for a better life for a future where we control our own destiny not a clock, regardless, though of what happens in the next 20 or so years life extension is going to part of humanity future. Some people won’t just stand by and watch those they love being ripped away from them. The question is how many people are going to die before it happens? How many millions or billions of people are going to die for no reason and will your loved ones be counted among them?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:06:17 +0000

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