since everyone and their dog is doing it......i got 18. thanks - TopicsExpress


since everyone and their dog is doing it......i got 18. thanks Brent Welch. 1. tonight im only hacking up 1/2 a lung instead of a whole one. #win 2. i feel incredibly guilty about the death of my mouse and my guinea pig and i dont think ill ever get over it. (insert BAMBA!!!! yell here) 3. celery makes my tongue numb...but only if its plain. 4. sometimes when i cry i check the mirror just to see how incredibly awful i look. and then i cry some more because i look incredibly awful. 5. i have a hard time blowing my nose because one nostril is always plugged and i cant blow any air out of it. 6. i found out the couch that was left in my mansion is a sleeper sofa. 7. i think i already admitted this once, but when i talk to myself i do it in stupid voices. usually british. ooh. especially if im mad because im stuck in wild traffic. then im a mad british woman. 8. im having trouble letting go of my best friend because shes all in love and moving in with her boyfriend and stuff. joan and barri forever. 9. im really hungry right now and i want pizza. bring me pizza. 10. i hate fire because im afraid im going to catch on fire and be burned alive. 11. every single time i step foot into a walgreens i have to pee. even if ive just gone. its terrible. damn you walgreens. 12. i am not a normal woman in that i dont like chocolate. unless its white chocolate. and unless its my time of the month. then im all about chocolate. otherwise i dont like chocolate. unless its white. that sounds racist. 13. i really like run-on sentences because i think theyre funny and sometimes challenging to decipher and sometimes its how i talk a so its only natural not to put periods and commas and dashes in my writing and stuff. 14. if you call me. i will not answer. i most likely wont listen to the voicemail (if you leave me one) and i probably wont call you back. id rather talk via text, email or in person. so lets go have some lunch. ooh. pizza. theres a reason for this (the not talking on the phone thing) and maybe ill tell you about it if you bring me a pizza. 15. i suck at doing my hair, makeup, nails, etc. i wanted to go to cosmetology school just so i could figure out what the F to do on myself. 16. i want to try a lot of things and be good at a lot of things and sometimes they are weird and random and usually i cant afford to get the proper training so i watch youtube videos and hope for the best. 17. sometimes i tell myself im single because im going to be famous in a couple years and Zac Efron or Josh Hartnett or Ryan Gosling is going to meet me on a red carpet and fall madly in love with me the instant we lock eyes. it could happen. 18. ive been an PC kind of girl up until august. now im all about this whole Apple thing. the end.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:53:14 +0000

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