since i just know there HAS to be facebook in heaven im going to - TopicsExpress


since i just know there HAS to be facebook in heaven im going to write you a letter cuz i know u will get it way a up there above us. Dear Jill, ok really i am sobbing already but i need to do this...17 years ago you were so very tragically taken from us at a very very young age. we all so terribly miss you. truthfully our family has never been the least not for me it hasnt. you and i had so many awesome times together with just us since i was FOREVER sleeping over at your house. lol. and all the fun memories i have of all us cousins well i cant describe how happy i am to have them and how i wish so bad you were still here to be making more with us. i was so young and dumb when you were takin that i just plain down didnt appreciate life and how precious and fast it goes by or by how it can so easily be cut short in a second. but the older i get the more i have learned .not that it makes it any less of how your death effected me at the time cuz thats undescribable. but now that im older and know better it makes me miss the ones i had so little time with even more. so ok done with the sappy stuff and on to the funny .im sure via facebook in heaven you get to see how Heidi Wagner Tucker and i make fun of and scare your mom with posts about mice. i must say it is quite amusing!!! your brother is an awesome man and your 2 beautiful cute! can you believe i have 3 grandkids? i know u seen the hundreds of pics i post! lol. the last memory i have of you is me and the kids coming to visit you and you scooping up mikey, i dont even think he was a year old and now hes 18! you were always so good with my kids and it breaks my heart that they didnt get to know you..ok well im gonna have to let u go now cuz this is getting overwhelming. but i do want to say thanks for coming to me in my dream shortly after..where i was trying to diet and lose weight but i was eating a pb & jelly sammich and you were behind me the whole time saying really kath thats not gonna help the diet and we started crackin up cuz with a mouthful i was like i know but its so good! that dream was so real like. and last and most important is even though we lost you and my mom in just over a year of each other..i hope this dont sound selfish..but it has been a little easier to cope knowing you are among the beautiful angels TOGETHER watcing over us..please let her know i miss her deeply and can you tell her to please get with the program and get a cell phone so she can have facebook!! lol i say that cuz i can just hear her saying well what do i need one of those for!! lol but i bet if you show her all the pics i post of her grandbabies she would get one! u work on that for me and i will check back another time. until we meet again..may you and my momma rest in peace together(and our grandparents:) we all miss u deeply....
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:20:43 +0000

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