since runners never know when to stop, here we are with more you - TopicsExpress


since runners never know when to stop, here we are with more you might be a runnerd if signs. 1. When people ask which is your favorite Ironman you say 1989 (go figure!!) 2. In business Donald Trump is your role model and yet you choke up at the word comrades. 3. You think photo synthesis is something invented by Eastman Kodak and yet not only can you spell and pronounce Iliotibial band correctly but also can point at it in a diagram with a surgeons accuracy. 4. You didnt know who won last nights IPL final but can tell the names and timings of all Indian athletes who finished comrades last evening. 5.You have actually considered choking a friend who refers to your runs as jogging. 6. Your memory of any big race you finished always begin with how you were injured and unsure to participate in that particular race. 7. You always struggle to remember if French open happens before or after Wimbledon and yet have the dates of Boston and SCMM on the tip of your tongue. 8. you understand and can explain the terms Glycogen and VO2 max. 9. You can say the word nipple guard with a straight face. 10. The idea of training for a marathon to finish in certain time so that you can qualify for another marathon makes total sense to you.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:16:07 +0000

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