so... found 3 carrots in Jenny the Guineas cage. I ask the girls - TopicsExpress


so... found 3 carrots in Jenny the Guineas cage. I ask the girls who fed Jenny. They both replied,NOT MEEE ! So i say, Girls you know lying is very bad, and if you lie, you will get in big trouble. Savannah said,Daddy, i promise i didnt do it. I know my daughter, so i immediately know who wast telling the truth. And in a way proud of Savannah for not just ratting out her sister. lol So i look at Sahara, and say, Are you sure you didnt put the carrots in there? She said, Maybe a ghost did it. omg... im getting nowhere. so as a solution, i announce that both of them will stand in the corner until someone tells me the truth ! Savannah immediately says, I think sissy did it ! I tell Sahara that if she is lying she will get her sister in trouble too. she looks at the ground then looks at me sad and serious and says, Im sorry Daddy, i thought Jenny was hungry. Finally !!!!! the truth ! i explain to sissy the importance of telling the truth. no punishment this time, but a delicious fruit snack reward for promising to never lie to daddy again ! long story short, oh too late for that. lmao in conclusion, i am learning just as they are. this is my first time being a parent. and in my opinion, i am doing just a good a job at being a father, as they are at being children.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 23:02:08 +0000

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