so someone told me to reflect on the most important time on my - TopicsExpress


so someone told me to reflect on the most important time on my life, now i told them i would but as i sit here and keep thinking about it, many years after they asked me to, i now just rub my chin, when is the most life changing, most important, most ground breaking time of my life, now this through traveled back to when i had my divorce, when i was broken, had nothing and had to rely for some time on Paul Higgins couch, and remembered how i did not fully let myself break and fall instead i went out and went looking for a job, and tried to pull myself back together, i remmber when i was also crashing on Robert Middleton s couch and had some good times and bad living with him and still worked on pulling my life together, how is this time the most ground breaking and most important, well, let me explain, from living with a friend as my life was destroyed Paul sat there and asked me how i didnt break, Robert knew inside i was destroyed and was questioning myself, i mean deeply torn and felt like i wasnt really worth much but besides these two my friend Brian Tone also lent some advice and wasnt afraid to call me a bone head half the time as i pulled myself out of that depression, My father helped me get back to mtn home and restart my life during this time and even Ely Batz helped out when i asked i played hero thinking that was the path i needed to take and realized real fast that even though Michael Middleton was a bit of a jerk and did some things that irritated me i could count on them when i needed them most for advice and a hand only when necessary, but also, after that adventure of housing my most recent ex, whom i will not name i finally grew the last bit of myself i buried and was able to push her out of my life realizing what i am worth. Ryan Holtz being my roommate and another friend i can rely on and talk to about things others would deem strange, even if at times he just lets it pass through his ears. well a month after i got rid of my ex who used me and ryans help transporting her to where she would have her own chance to start a new life, Jessica Branan an ex co worker found me doing my own thing at work, as i was picking up peices of my life where i left off after my almost mistake engagement going too far, which now though i am a big fan of fantasy and sci fi, i realized there is something real to hold on to, the recovery from a divorce is rough, but without these people beside me i would not have gotten stronger, from words of wisdom to a hand up i was able to start seeing that i wasnt worthless like i had when my divorce had begun and ended, now i am standing on my feet some miraculous way, and making my way through life a lot happier then before, my parents did help alot but these people did not have full obligation to help and yet they did, in one way or another to pull me out of a hard slump, and i look back at people who say i would amount to little, well guess what, i dont measure my worth by the lives i only touched but by the friends that stand beside me no matter what.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:06:43 +0000

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