so wow.. who wants to bankroll something - TopicsExpress


so wow.. who wants to bankroll something unique? Hi Billy Please find included a letter from Peter Strain, a professional photographer that I worked with when I chartered my vessel to W.A.M.S.I .( Western Aust Marine institute) Where Peter was the professional Video and Photoghapher. Between us we produced some spectacular, unusual, and fascinating video and photos. (check Peters Link) We have spent some time discussing the opportunities and found that they are many and varied. Peters macro work is world renowned and his exhibitions have travelled to museums over much of Australia. We have been asked if we could produce a 12 to 14 part, 20 minute shorts for TV. based on the Kimberley. May I point out that the Kimberley region is one of the most uninhabited parts of Australia, With great red cliffs, waterfalls that are spellbinding, Drying reefs that have a fascinating and unique corral eco system, with up to 14 mere tides that run in and out of the bays and rivers every 6 hours creating a tidal system that is unique in the world. There are around 2500 islands, 20 bays and 6o rivers in the 500 mile area that is bounded by the Victoria and the Fitzroy rivers. There are undoubtably fish, flaunter and fauner, birds and animals that are rare and not yet discovered. It is our dream that we could be the ones to achieve this. Other opportunities include the WHALE WATCH where the largest schools of whales that visit Australia each year. another opportunity for photographs and videos is the large amounts of birds from all over the world visit. Both these offer a real opportunity for the usage of the OliviaJ as a mothership. May I now offer the following on Peter Strain… He has a unique talent to pick up the unusual, His Macro work on the most normal of beasties, i.e. moths, flies, crabs, snails and the unusual and unique that we trawled up during the WAMSI trip. May I now offer an explanation of my self and my vessel . My Vessel is extraordinarily comfortable. with all berths above water level, on the main deck, she is equipped to stay at sea for 3 to 4 months, Has 5 double bedrooms, 3 toilets, laundry, with cooking both in the existing galley and on the upper deck where most of our meals whilst at sea take place. For me, I have spent some 7 years in the Kimberley region, I have probably the most comprehensive charts, (all made by myself) that are in existence. We have the will and the know how to be a very successful enterprise. Billy, you told me you wanted some adventure, This I can guarantee you, what I am asking and offering is AN ADVENTURE, a unique opportunity, good solid people to be involve with, with a dream that could be achieved.. What we need is an adventurous attitude, some one who will believe in this venture and (of course) be in a position to bankroll this venture. I offer the vessel as my share in this, Peter has the professional equipment and the talent to make the movies and the photos. We would not expect payment whilst carrying out this venture. We would request that if you cannot do this, then could you please forward this on to any one who you may think would be be interested. I would expect to be going on my fishing trip in about 3 weeks. You are invited. I will call you tomorrow hope all is well Sincerely John Begin forwarded message: From: Peter Strain Subject: Kimberley Expedition and Doco Date: 3 February 2014 5:30:44 PM ACST To: Tropical Marine Services (Cairns) Pty Ltd John Thanks for your note about how you think you could get the best effect bringing the Olivia J back to the Kimberleys. Also thankyou for your kind words about my photography and filming work. Certainly working with you has been the most inspired I have managed to be and I think our best work is still to come, if we get the opportunities. Write Angle, a major museum exhibition agent, has picked up my Line of Sight Exhibition now and expect significant showings on the east coast this year. So work that we did together previously will be spotlighted this year. Good advantage for anything we can produce this year. I agree with you that running the OJ for the most part as a private vessel in the Kimberley would paradoxically give us the best shot to produce a photographic, media and TV project that would provide ongoing returns. The freedom to concentrate on filming and photographing without restrictions of paying passengers is, in my view, the way to produce extraordinary material beyond what others have created about the Kimberley. Your knowledge of the Kimberley and the oceans combined with your understanding of photography and filming logistics and techniques is a unique combination. I feel that your abilities and passion are the key for me to achieve what I would like to do on the Kimberley coast - create documentary, media, print and exhibition materials that will show the world The Real Kimberley. Given the portability and technical capability of the equipment I work with now, we actually can do almost all of the filming and post producing aboard Olivia J. This is an extraordinary situation and the Olivia J with your knowledge is capable of facilitating this far more affordably and efficiently than any commercial production house could. There lies the real strength - if we could privately fund an expedition and the filming/photographing we could create material that could be taken to the market privately. There are great advantages in producing privately - financially, logistically and creatively. I have managed to successfully produce a few out of the square projects previously and documenting and producing material on The Real Kimberley with you is a project I think I can help produce, with a result in line with our passion and dreams. Here is a link to my background if you feel the need to show my credentials to any third party. In you can muster any private interest, I will put together a plan for discussion. Talk soon, kind regards
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:01:20 +0000

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