some actors deserve to be in films. they deserve to have it a - TopicsExpress


some actors deserve to be in films. they deserve to have it a massive hit. Robert Downey Junior for instance, he is the perfect iron man. he was great in the film and deserved to make a lot of money (ok 50 million is a little excessive but hey) However! some people do not deserve parts... i recently heard news that is going to make even the most emotionless, placid and easy going people want to kill a small child. zac effron has been casted to play luke skywalkers son in the upcoming new star wars film... zac effron? zac effron?! the only thing he deserves is to be gang raped by a bunch of silver back gorrilas! you see this is what happens when disney takes over and decides to try and make an already great franchise even better. people that played the turok series will know what i am talking about. in the old turoks when someone annoyed you, you could take your trusty axe and cave their skull into a bloody mess as they screamed in pain. or, you could fire the "cerebral bore" right into their heads and watch as they scream for mum to save them as a small circular saw turned their brains to soup. it was great! until disney took over and remade turok... the result was absolutely horrific! instead of the skull caving and screaming there was a former shell of a man who took pity on the dinosaurs as he killed them without a single drop of blood! If anyone from disney sees this i want you to stop what your doing, find zac effron and kill him with fire! then i want you to set yourself on fire! you would be doing the world a great favor. anyway, there is my rant for the next little while. if anything else annoys me i will be sure to let you all know :) oh and just so we are all clear here people. i really really dislike zac effron with a severe and burning passion!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:29:57 +0000

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