something is being done this week. New Capitol for the sovereign - TopicsExpress


something is being done this week. New Capitol for the sovereign inhabitants for the sovereign states for the Republic for the united States of America: THEN: 1776 the Revolution Began and has continued for 237 years. - The seat of government, and the dejure district/DC: Before a seat of government is set up two things must take place, the authority of congress to do so, and the permission by the states in the union. The moment the States agree, the States surrender their sovereignty, and the people within those states become subjects to the king, which is the seat of government. Thus, the Framers when they set up a seat and created the judiciary act, they created a kingdom, and the central government is the king. So, what the Framers did with the US Constitution and the Judiciary Act was set up a government in opposite of what was stated in the Declaration 1776. The Framers contradicted themselves in other words, said one thing in the Declaration and then did opposite in the US Constitution. This is where we met our doom.... 1789 with the ratification of the US Constitution and the creation of the Judiciary Act in 1789. On top of that the money changers had a hand hold on Hamilton and others, just as they do now. The Framers were thus, victims of hundreds of years of indoctrination, and simply repeated history, and this is why we have the mess we have now. The Revolution never ended, and 237 years of battling is enough! The following is what we should have based on the Declaration of Independence 1776, and further defined by the Law of Nations, BOOK 1, § 11. as this is the legal dictionary the Framers used. "Of a state that has passed under the dominion of another; But a people that has passed under the dominion of another is no longer a state, and can no longer avail itself directly of the law of nations. Such were the nations and kingdoms which the Romans rendered subject to their empire; the generality even of those whom they honoured with the name of friends and allies no longer formed real states. Within themselves they were governed by their own laws and magistrates; but without, they were in everything obliged to follow the orders of Rome; they dared not of themselves either to make war or contract alliances; and could not treat with nations; The law of nations is the law of sovereigns; free and independent states are moral persons, whose rights and obligations we are to establish in this treatise." NOW: 2013 The Revolution Ends. - A new temporary capitol for the Republic we all desire to restore could be legally erected in another part of the country, and will be erected. The document to accomplish this will be a combination of an affidavit, a warranty deed, and a contract. Each indenture will be specific and contain footnotes. This temporary seat of government will not be like the seat of government we have had for 237 years, as it will not impede on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and it will use the Declaration 1776 as its foundation to rebuild upon, and therefore all laws within the US Constitution must be in harmony with the Declaration 1776, and all three branches of government must be in, and act in harmony with Declaration 1776 in which the US Constitution is to be in harmony with, and not impede or the natural rights given to us by the Creator. When the People establish a stable governance, the People can then choose as they desire a new location for their seat of government, and the People must always remember they are the first branch of government, and this first branch are the executors and beneficiaries for the Republic, as the trusties are those who act in the capacity of civil service for the people. A new monetary system based on Franklin economics could be erected and every bank account received a deposit of approximately $200,000.00 =/- , and will be erected. There was a way to unite villages, cities, counties and states and eventually the entire nation, and in doing so, leaders will emerge from within villages, cities, counties and states to fill vacancies of those we remove from office, and at the same time the People will be removing tyrants at all levels themselves using true common law courts/grand jury courts for and by the People, which can be held anywhere at any time. The instruction manual to establish these courts is in the works and will be completed very shortly. The manual will contain fail safes to prevent witch hunts, and from others who attempt to rebuttal the contents of the manual. In other words, the manual is based on common demonstrators relevant to to all common law courts throughout the history of humanity, so that no one can use any specific common law court established at any point in history to rebuttal the way the common law court conducts/grand jury court for and by the People, conducts affairs for and by the People in the Peoples court. In the event the common law court appointed sheriff for the court fails to get the support from local law, including sheriff of the county, the court sheriff can then use the Minutemen, deputizing them and using them as a posse to carry out the orders of the court for and by the people. The courts, are used to unite People in villages, cities, counties and eventually at the state level. One by one, until all the states are united as one union for the Republic for the united States of America. When the time comes a dozen People will actually do this for the People of this nation. The dozen will put things in motion and then leave things to the People to build upon how they see fit to secure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Would anybody come forth to assist these People who would risk their life, the lives of their families, and what little fortune they had to secure the future for your kids, your grandchildren, and future generations. Would militias and minutemen mobilize to the new capitol and assist in those who risked everything, and protect them and assist them in erecting these hypothetical ideas. Think about this. The possibilities. A new start. A new way of life. It will most definitely get bloody, as tyranny will resist us. Reality is, this can be done. Must be done. Will be done. ~ Richard W. Sharp, Jr.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 01:38:27 +0000

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