stories like this keep people beiliving.. there is always hope - TopicsExpress


stories like this keep people beiliving.. there is always hope ~MyahRenee Id like to share my story, when I was first diagnosed with depression I was 12 before I was even diagnosed I had no idea what was happening to me I had just started getting really stressed and extremely upset all the time I was so upset I would literally cry myself to sleep every single night one morning before school I hadnt slept at all that night and just stayed up crying and thats when I first cut myself on my leg and wrist, they werent severe cuts just grazes from a pair of scissors, I will admit the cuts made me feel a little better because it made me worry more about my physical pain rather than my mental pain. My dad found me that morning sitting on my bed crying with scissors in my hand he came over and sat with me and cried with me. He took me straight to the doctors and thats when I was diagnosed with depression. I was told I needed to see a psych as soon as possible, the first one I was referred to honestly didnt help at all but then I was referred to a proper lady at a proper hospital, she absolutely changed me, she was amazing and I can never thank her for everything she did for me, she taught me so many things and how to deal with certain things, she also helped me get back into a new school after being home for 6 months. She also prescribed me some medication for my depression just to take the edge off and I believe that I have been more positive lately and it has helped. I believe if I never went to see a psych I wouldnt be where I am today, seeing someone and talking about your problems is so hard but so easy at the same time. I definitely recommend anyone who is feeling suicidal or feeling so down that thy want to hurt themselves go and talk to someone, you wouldnt believe how much it changes the way you think. Just remember even if you think nobody cares for you there is always going to be Atleast a handful and thats basically all you need, imagine their worlds without you in it, it would be terrible. You were put on this earth for a reason and you have to find that reason find what you love doing and make goals, be positive stop abusing your beautiful bodies. I love you all and believe you can all pull through this
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 00:28:45 +0000

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