terlelap time ngadap laptop --> mimpi sume org tengah sibuk hntar - TopicsExpress


terlelap time ngadap laptop --> mimpi sume org tengah sibuk hntar fy --> lecture call nape x hntar lagi -->confused sbb rasa dh hntar minggu lepas...tgh tunggu tarikh flight nk balik umah je --> tp lari jugak bawak copy yg baru pegi ofis utk dptkan sign sblum hntar --. pndang jam kt dinding,ofis hour da habis..da rasa nk nangis --> terbanngun dr tido ngan dasyat...rasa blur2, take time utk realize everything --> rasa lega * InshaAllah bakal konvo bulan Nov nnti tp still dpt nightmare mcm tu..perhap some hard circumstances time buat fyp yg sebabkan trauma masih ada tanpa disedari..anyway tu sume pengalaman yg brharga semasa brgelar student~ let it made us become mature & stronger to face the next challenges in life..pada adik2 junior yg tgh wat fyp tu...fighthing~~!!*
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:46:09 +0000

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