thank you #maulik for sharing this with us #Maulik - TopicsExpress


thank you #maulik for sharing this with us #Maulik #Chitransh 25 August 23:42 id like to share an incidence of mine it was February, the year might be 2009 or 2010 i am not sure, i had gone to visit my father at his govt. residence in raebareli U.P. i had competitions coming and since i used to study till late in the night, dad had put up a bed for me in his study. i wasnt feeling particularly sleepy that day so i went to the terrace (1:30 am ) . it was pitch black due to clouds and mist. whole town was in darkness. i was thinking that its kind of sad that in-spite of being a political hub, this city was so backward and underdeveloped. out of corner of my eye, i saw or i thought i saw a hazel skinned girl (16-17 age) standing behind me wearing a dark green salwar suit. i thought it was odd as no one was supposed to be there, the servants had left after 9 that day . but when i turned around, there was no one there just thickening fog which had started to cover everything. i was amused, i reasoned that the cold must be playing tricks on my mind. i chuckled to myself n thought is gawaar shehar ke to bhoot bhi gawaar hain, sahi se darana tak nahi aata. i felt the temperatures drop significantly as fog completely immersed me, well in early february such things happen a lot in this area, so to beat the cold i went back to the study hopped on the bed, wrapped myself in the blankets and quilts and cranked up the room heater to maximum and started studying again. soon i started feeling very lethargic could barely open my eyes as if i was coming down with fever. i thought it wiser to get rest and i layed down in the cocoon of warmth of my my quilt. i hadnt yet gone to sleep when the door opened with its unique creak . i didnt get up to see, obviously it must be dad, i caught a glimpse of his shaggy fur like brown sweater as he crossed the bed. my insomniac father must be looking for a novel to pass the time, i thought. suddenly my bed creaked as if someone had climbed on it and was standing. that was odd coz why would my father stand on my bed?? and then i heard it short shallow breaths which turned into a growl and then to a distinct snarl, like that of a dog but much much more heavier. i was scared now an animal must have got into our home!! and it will attack me if i dont do something, i tried to move my leg to kick him, that was my only chance to escape!! but i couldnt move, not at all!! my arms and legs were stiff as if they were bound!!!couldnt even move my eyes to see my attacker!! my brain was going numb!! the room was getting colder and colder even though the heater was on!! i thought ki mai marne wala hu!! fir gussa aa gaya kyu?? why should i die?? i would rather kill!! i used all of the willpower left to move my hands and feet suddenly felt the bonds break and like a spring i got up to attack!! i found myself in total darkness!! there was no electricity!! it must have been a dream!! i must have dozed off and had a nightmare!! it was then that i saw in the dim inverter light of the hall that the door of my room was wide apart!! I made logic that i must have been dead tired from my journey and studies and must have hallucinated, but when i asked dad in the morning he said he didnt open the door to my room. a mystery which still remains unsolved. i heard similar growling almost 6 months later when a wolf entered the premises of my college campus. another mystery as to how could i imagine the growls of a wolf when i had never heard it before, did i somehow brought the wrath of some ghost on me that night or was it all just a figment of my imagination?? i would love to find out!! P.S. this is a true incident with every details, i never forgot that night.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:01:42 +0000

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