… that ego that you do, you do so well … family and children - TopicsExpress


… that ego that you do, you do so well … family and children … trigger-happy cowboys on crack … consciousness … more: Today, from the Planetmates. February 14th: “However, it must be kept in mind that this control of every aspect of your outer life at each point required that correspondingly there would need be intensifying control over your inner life, too. So you set your wrestling-into-submission fever upon aspects of your very selves, even, that the “management” of consciousness, the Ego, deemed “inappropriate,” but was actually feared. “Thus, because a part of you never forgot your horrific experiences at birth and in infancy, you strove to control every category of thing or being in your outer life as well as inner life, including God and fate, so you would never ever be subject to such overwhelming pain again. “For you to be able to conceive of doing this, you needed to have a rationale that justified it. You needed to be able to turn it into a correct thing to do; you needed to be able to fool yourselves. So, in order to deny the ability of the consciousnesses around you to have inclinations (desires, tendencies, will, self-determination) of their own, you needed to insist that they were not capable of such decisions. It would follow that by removing the ability of intention from everything around you, you would not only be allowed to control, you would be required to. “So to remove will and other-determination from the Universe you needed to deny consciousness in all of it, except yourself. It would be true that the extent that you would be able to deny consciousness in any aspect of the Other was the extent that you would be able, “in good conscience” (sarcasm intended), to control and dominate there. Nature did just fine for billions of years before you, but you would rationalize it now needed you to manage it … to have dominion over it…for it was essentially just a soulless machine. People lived and loved and enjoyed life for millions of years, but your strong men and patriarchs would concoct the idea that your Small Accumulators, women, and children would be utterly lost without them telling them what to do, for—as they told themselves—these underlings were less “divine” and were closer to that dreaded and scapegoated “animal” state—defined as that which is “out of control” and “wild.” (more sarcasm) “The upshot of this entire process is a separation from all else in order to control it. In separating from all else, you, of course, separate from the Divine in that the Divine is exactly that: All That Is or all that exists including yourself. “So in total separation from All That Is, or the Divine, and certainly from Nature, and other humans, including your own families and others in your social units, you created the ultimate in isolation for yourself. And in this isolation you created your extra-natural ability for alien and backwards conception, thinking, and perception. This embodiment of a vortex of phantasms is your singular consciousness construct — again, that Ego that you are able to do. “That ego that you do, you do, so well…. “Returning to the development of family in your species, however, remember that it is based on your expanding addiction to control which has now infected your view, even, of your own offspring. You see your children, as well, to be things. You attribute as little of consciousness to them as you can possibly rationalize to yourselves. Your young ones are viewed, for the vast majority of you humans and over the near entirety of what can be counted as the time of your existence, as having as little consciousness as the planetmates and other Earth citizens that you kidnap and control for your ends. That is, little or no independent intention or sentience is bestowed on them in your estimation. “Having achieved such a narrowing of apprehension of the true nature of the reality around your ego — inside as well as outside — you give yourself maximum rein in reckless determination. Like trigger-happy cowboys on crack, you fill the world with you. You see no existence outside your window of temporal craving… “…hence no consequences of the exercise of your lusty appetites outside the perimeters of your perceivable pain. And even that, your pain, you seek to deny and diminish so you can have even greater sway in your bumbling amidst Nature’s otherwise exquisite china shop….” [More coming…. To see the entire book, to which this will be added eventually (book is two-thirds updated), go to mladzema.wordpress/the-great-reveal-book-6/ ] Note: I am sharing my husband, Michael Adzemas work. He has been blocked from doing so, himself. Might want to direct comments on the writing to him. - MLA
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 01:31:22 +0000

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