thats what you get looser for turning your back We come back from - TopicsExpress


thats what you get looser for turning your back We come back from the break to see Rollins pick up a near fall on Ziggler. Rollins then applies a knee-to-the-back chin lock. Ziggler quickly fights up and gets out with a jawbreaker. Ziggler charges him, but Rollins throws him out of the ring. Rollins goes for a suicide dive, but Ziggler punches him in the face. Ziggler pulls himself into the ring, and he splashes Rollins in the corner before unloading with some rapid punches. Ziggler then ducks a clothesline and hits him with a flying clothesline. Rollins quickly hits him in the back of the knee before hitting a step-up enzuigiri. Rollins goes for a curb stomp, but Ziggler moves and plants him with a high angle DDT for a near fall. Ziggler cannot believe it. Ziggler quickly elbows him in the face and takes him down with a running cross-body before punching away at him. Ziggler goes for a famouser, but Rollins counters into a powerbomb attempt. Ziggler then counters the counter into a roll up for a near fall. Rollins quickly kicks him back down before running into a sleeper hold. Ziggler jumps on his back for some leverage, but Rollins escapes. Ziggler flips through a back suplex and counters a roll up before hitting a famouser for a near fall. Ziggler waits for Rollins to get up before attempting the Zig-Zag, but Rollins holds the ropes. Rollins goes for a Lionsault, but Ziggler moves. Rollins lands on his feet, but Ziggler rolls him up for a near fall. Ziggler goes for another high angle DDT, but Rollins counters into a powerbomb in the corner. Rollins stands over Ziggler before unloading on him with punches to the back of the head. Rollins then powerbombs him into the corner again before hitting the Curb Stomp. Dean Ambrose then runs in and viciously attacks Rollins! Winner by Disqualification: Seth Rollins Match Rating: ** Seth Rollins immediately escapes the ring as Dean Ambrose stares at him. Ambrose takes the microphone, and he says this won’t be over until he gets his hands on his smug, corporate, extremely punchable face of Rollins’. Ambrose knows that Rollins doesn’t do anything without Triple H’s permission these days. Ambrose then tells him to save the time and fight him like a man. Ambrose takes his jacket off before Triple H appears on the titantron. Triple H tells him to calm down. If Ambrose wants to fight Seth Rollins, that’s great. Ambrose does like to fight, but he’s afraid he’s got some bad news for him. Bad News Barrett’s music then hits, and he makes his way to the ring. He’ll face Dean Ambrose, next. -Commercial Break-
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 00:35:01 +0000

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