...the horrific typhoon that devastated the philippines on 11/8/13 - TopicsExpress


...the horrific typhoon that devastated the philippines on 11/8/13 is all over the news right now. NEPTUNE, the planet that rules the bodies of water on the planet, is stationing to go direct on wednesday. when neptune is stationary the veil between the worlds is thin and the deep waters of the Unconscious and the world can become tumultuous. on an emotional/psychological level all manner of subconscious material can come to Light. its a great time to pay attention to your dreams, intuition and psychic impressions- as important messages can come through. yet at the same time this powerful energy can also cause disturbance and overwhelm us emotionally and physically. on the heels of the intense and powerful SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SCORPIO- we have a lot of deep, dark waters getting brought to the surface for us to see. i am sure we can each look at some area of life that the shadow is being brought up in. in the world take your pick: fukushima and the death and destruction happening to the pacifica ocean and all of her life, the philippines typhoon and the death toll that may reach 10,000, the latest news article about the girl whose rape changed a country talking about the deep patriarchal shadow of rape and abuse in india, but also in the world. take your pick! i have been on and off crying the last week about the state of the world. every time i get on facebook i find another horrific thing to become despondent about. i have considered taking my facebook page (personal one) down again so as not to get bombarded by the news. i am exceptionally sensitive right now and i need to take care of my boundaries. but i also know there is a big PURGING going on right now in the world. its raging everywhere- and it is also happening on the inside. ages and lifetimes of grief, pain, suffering, anger and rage are coming up to be addressed, faced, felt and released. i truly feel if we all did the deep INNER WORK asked of us right now we could clear out so much shadow and Unconsciousness and we could rebirth ourselves- personally and collectively- into the Light. MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT TODAY in scorpio- slowing down the mind and intellect so that we can access deeper realms of shadow and what lies beneath. take time today to honor your own depths, your own shadow, your own deep emotions, your own pain. this is not a part of the self to run away from or deny- as denial makes us disconnect from ourselves and then it comes to us in the form of projection and experiences outside of ourselves (over which we have no control). take time today to honor the waters of the earth- the oceans, the rains, the lakes, the rivers. honor the Divine Feminine and the Great Mother Goddess who sustains us and nourishes us- even though we abuse and take advantage of her. take time to turn within and hear that Inner Voice that knows what is True and knows what to do. we all have that Inner Voice- we just need to learn to listen to it. blessings to the oceans, blessings to the philippines, blessings to the women, the men, the children, the elderly, the animals. blessings to all sentient beings on the planet. may all of the heart chakras of the world break open wide- with grace and ease
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:45:01 +0000

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