the most important thing to an african is knowledge. knowledge of - TopicsExpress


the most important thing to an african is knowledge. knowledge of self, knowledge of past lives, history within their own successes, not a westernized version of humanity but the truth when we were kings and queens and recognized our lineage, had connection to earth and creation, and what rastas offer is wisdom, ways to find this knowledge, ways to live life to tap into it and begin to live a life beneficial towards the african, longevity in humanity rests in african existence. thats why we occupy most of this land and influence the most of this land we know as the earth, we built pyramids we were able to achieve the unity to build pyramids that then generated and OMITTED energy throughout its atmosphere, leading longevity to be the thing humanity felt most not WEALTH or FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Not one tower in manhattan gives off natural energy to this earth and or is a use of natural resources, and if one is plz let me know........These same leaders or builders SELL ENERGY, which is natural and free from this earth, they enslave natural resources and enslave methods to harness this energy, sell it to enslaved humans, and create the systems that keeps the slavery in motion, rather than unleashing a free world where one can build., from the sources the earth allows. EVERY child or EUROPEAN family that is benefiting in america is straight robbing africa of its riches to live this life because the european started where>? in caves, as the african flourished but never did the african PUT THE EUROPEAN into bondage, or dethrone any of their advancements, or wage war on their humanity, the africans love is what allowed the european to take advantage of us, and still all we want is to go home and be allowed to build our own country up without any interference from the european, but instead the european gives us division, complication, war, guns, hatred for self, false idol-ism, false history, confusion, and so many other tactics to bring us down, sadly it works, but why does it work? because we are forced to eat, live, and breath this westernized lifestyle, and anyone trying to bring their brothers and sisters back home to the east will face complication from powers that rule over this world, i mean. there is for one example QUEEN ELIZABETH, who owns a percentage of this WORLD, if anyone owns just ONE full percentage of this world, that is such a powerful thing, and if the power that owns it has an image, it will be carried out in that one percent, but she owns 1/6 of the LAND , and is sure an allied person to the POPE, who all have in history tried to denounce the crimes committed against Indigenous Americans AND AFRICANS, saying their crimes and slavery tactics were due to a lack of christian faith and could not see them as equal brothers and sisters.........FORGIVE COLUMBUS AND OTHER CONQUISTADORS for destroying their people and enslaving them for over 400 years. africans, they sell themselves short because at this point their existence is holding onto a string, just like SO MANY ANIMALS ARE BECOMING EXTINCT, they look at us as animals, what do they do with animals? use and abuse them, kill them, use their organs, eat them, wear their skin, drain their blood for sacrifice, take over their resources and habitats, use them for labor, sell them, the list goes on to how we are treated JUST LIKE ANIMALS on a daily basis, if you understand what i am saying then you can understand the black man and woman needs their brothers and sisters to put more of an effort than the opposing forces are to help build up our people rather than destroy, But we have these rappers and singers that glorify this western lifestyle, exploit women and praise the whiter or lighter skinned woman, and encourages foolish women behavior as well as dumb down black man behavior into something that can be categorized in a profile or lifestyle, so now we dont have to be enslaved, just AS OUR STRONGER TRIBES SOLD OUR PARENTS FOR THEIR FREEDOM, the european has created so much room for a black brother or sister to sell out their brother or sister allowing corruption within ourselves....TAKING EVERYTHING FROM US AS WELL AS GIVING BACK TO US LITTLE BY LITTLE TO CREATE DIVISION AND CORRUPTION, the job is done, but can be undone understand? this is simple to see but through understanding and clarity within yourself you will be able to see, not through judgement......
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:17:59 +0000

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