this Tuesday an elevator trapped my publicist, a new friend, and i - TopicsExpress


this Tuesday an elevator trapped my publicist, a new friend, and i shortly before my National Young Writers Festival gig in Sydney. it simply would not open when we reached our floor. when my publicist was tobedzing and tobedzing the buttons i noticed that the tobedzing tendencies of people from places where things generally work may be different from those in places where they dont, who can indeed tobedza the hell out of a thing until it almost bleeds or infact changes its mind and apologises for being disrespectful. i dont think we reached a level of panic (but speaking for myself i generally dont panic or get angry in English -- its pointless, i would be reduced to the poverty of useless phrases) but i was also trying not to think of horror elevator stories ive heard. of course im glad that the thing did not jam between floors where me might not have been heard, that would have been a whole nother jambanja. thankful to the lovely ladies who heard us -- again i noticed that the yelling tendencies differ -- the first word for help was hello?--- yes, the same word you use to answer the phone or greet, and this was not accompanied by a pounding of the doors with fists and kicks. kai, definitely a lesson in smooth reaction. it worked, which was for the better coz apparently that button marked emergency doesnt mean somebody is waiting to rescue you -- we called about three times and it went to a machine, which made me think, ihm. our rescue team comprised of a nice man and his stick, though when i first saw the tool i giggled. it eventually got us out though, and the slightly delayed event went well. on my way out i took the stairs of course, saw my rescuer seated behind a booth and gave him a copy of my book, found out his name is Russell. so, thankful to Russell and his stick, to Lucy and Victoria for keeping the calm in the elevator, the wonderful crowd that came out, the National Young Writers Festival for a great event, and the new friends who took me out to dinner afterwards. now in New Zealand,
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:21:10 +0000

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