this is a letter from sons and daughters of Philippine Military - TopicsExpress


this is a letter from sons and daughters of Philippine Military Academy.. please read this.. dito mo nakita ang dismayado na din sila.. ..... ............ An Expression of Public Disgust and a Call for Action WE, concerned sons and daughters of the Philippine Military Academy, join the Filipino people in condemning in the strongest terms possible the systematic plunder of public funds via the pork barrel by some members of Congress and their accomplices. WE are aghast, disgusted and enraged at such a wanton display of shamelessness by those who we elected to serve and protect the people. Rather than fulfill their sworn oaths, they unabashedly used their position to steal, deceive and enrich themselves at the expense of their fellowmen most of whom continue to suffer in utter poverty. WE cannot and we will not tolerate this anymore even those from among our own. WE demand that justice be served as true justice must. WE demand that all the stolen funds be returned to the national coffers and that the guilty be meted their due punishment at the soonest possible time. WE demand an immediate end to the immoral pork barrel system which has proven to be the root cause of corruption and will continually besmirch and compromise the commitment and dedication of the other honorable members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Pork has lost its rationale. Those funds could have been used for better purposes and with clear accountability and control under the Executive branch. WE trust that this government through the President who advocated good governance and the fight against corruption through the "Daang Matuwid" will fulfill what they had promised. WE believe PNoy when he said then, “Kung walang kurap, walang mahirap” and in the saying that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Thus, we band together with other Filipinos who are similarly infuriated in expressing freely our thoughts and call to end this grave injustice. Inaction or complacency is no longer an option. And finally, WE pledge on our honor, in the memory of our fallen Cavaliers who gave their all and in the revered name of PMA that we will be vigilant on issues of corruption so as to give to the Filipino people, from whom we owe so much the privilege to have served this country and of what we have become, what they truly deserve. To these, with the help of GOD and with COURAGE, INTEGRITY and LOYALTY... MCI will support you all out.. remember our blood is one and we cannot tolerate this ..we spill blood for truth.. one for all, all for one..!!
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:14:42 +0000

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