this isnt even a rant more like a - TopicsExpress


this isnt even a rant more like a complaint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . okay so im playing league, right? Im having a grand old time until somebody decides to say something about me that only my friends from middle school know. I dont know who they are, i didnt recognize their summoner name, i had nothing to build from. So as any other human being might say, i questioned them about what they said. But get this, they didnt speak english. and on top of that they kept disconnecting and reconnecting so we never had a full conversation before i heard the words A summoner has disconnected. So in sync with him leaving and not answering my questions, i was losing my lane because my jungler wasnt helping me and his excuse was Its not my fault your support left. Like okay, look here you ignorant diaper baby. It is your job as a jungler to gank when necessary. And if someone is to leave their lane, you are to fill said lane until they come back. So out of frustration of going against a Vayne and Zilean on bot lane alone with no help at all or MIA pings from mid lane, I slammed my mouse on the desk, and a piece of plastic pierced the palm of my hand, and out of THAT pain i threw it off the desk, into a wall, and kicked it to the kitchen. Long story short, i need a new mouse. So then I had to explain to my teammates that i cant play anymore because i broke my mouse, and they just....... i hate league so much right now im just gonna watch Heroes until its time for barbeque goodbye
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:24:24 +0000

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