through no fault of our own, as far as contact and genocide are - TopicsExpress


through no fault of our own, as far as contact and genocide are concerned anyways. our indigenous people are far too comfortable being assimilated into settler society and living off the avails of our own oppression and land theft. I see so many posts asking why our people arent taking a more direct stand against govt, settler society, consumerism, and ecocide... well its because many live in the cities and are too busy trying to integrate into an invasive foreign way of life. malls, coffee shops, work, socializing. our warrior spirit gets diluted and many are only willing to march / protest / rally against the colonial regime as long as they can still partake in mainstream society. protect the lands, waters, culture and our way of life but give up nothing of the comforts many are accustomed too in settler urban living. celebrate "stanley park" NEVER. its not our fault that cities sprang up uninvited and unwanted in our homelands. but it is our fault for not being more aggressive in our struggle to protect our future. THATS WHATS UP. more so, if anyone thinks its too hard to go home or that rez life is too much, or theres no oppertunities back in the territory WE CALL BULLSHIT. the land is the oppertunity and the job is taking care of it. many people get so caught up in the westernized system of living they dont realize we dont have to live in the colonial matrix. wake up. if you want out but feel trapped WE GOT YOU. Ancestral Pride
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:21:04 +0000

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