to anyone who does bother to read my status little known fact - TopicsExpress


to anyone who does bother to read my status little known fact about me. commonly I am though of as someone who hates the world. No, I do not. and no I am not some troubled gothic kid who had a rough life and magically decided to dramatically change everything about me to avoid a dark past. I simple have ideals that are a bit extreme in the way I think about them. do I plain to one day snap and start shooting up places? Well if I was I wouldnt have waited this long dotcha thnk? not every person who hs a bit of an anger infused rant about something that is on his or her mind is going to start killing people. not to sterotype but usually its people who SAY NOTHING that end up going crazy. why? because no one cared to try to listen to them and everything was bottle dup inside. people. if someone has something to say. stop being an overly labeling butt nugget. shut you clap trap. and listen damn it. you could sav MILLIONS of live by giving someone an ear to hear out hings that they may not have anyone else ttel about so the next time I am called a confused child. I will remind people that if I didnt speak about these things I probably would be slapping your head off your neck wit he g of a chair like you THINK I want to. and by the way. the things you THINK im going to o to hurt you worry me more than the things I actually think YOU sound more like a killer if I find YOUR ideas more creative than mine. jut food for thought.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:10:53 +0000

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