to anyone who thinks that diamond is a fun place to be, let me - TopicsExpress


to anyone who thinks that diamond is a fun place to be, let me tell you a little story on what just happened. so im in champ select, going through picks and whatnot, our team comp is looking solid. we have a lee sin jungle, vayne/lulu bot lane, and ryze top. it comes to my pick and im hovering over a syndra pick. im changing my summoners and accidentally click off and change my champion to volibear. i was pretty confused as to how that actually happened, but im like whatever, ill just play voli top and let ryze go mid, right? nope. my team begins raging at my once i accidentally clicked on him. we get into game. and instantly our Lee Sin, Vayne, and Zyra all disconnect after saying in all chat gg voli. yeah, this is diamond for you.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:31:18 +0000

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