today i went on my first protest for a while, due to illness i was - TopicsExpress


today i went on my first protest for a while, due to illness i was grounded, but the atrocity of what is happening to the people of gaza put me in a position of having to be counted. my friend and i joined the demonstration at piccadilly gardens and then onto support the protesters for boycott of israeli goods at kedem on king street. the pro-israel (zionist) protesters accused us of anti-semitism by urging people to boycott stores associated with israel.(they are actually using the word semitic erroneously - if you look it up you get this: adjective: Semitic 1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. 2. relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.). So the Israeli state is actually being anti-semitic by attacking the people in Gaza. The semitic argument has no relevance. Interestingly, the Jewish people who stood with us today and who oppose the Israeli Governments actions were accused of being tired Jews or one of those kind of disillusioned Jews when actually they were human beings dissenting from the massacre of women and children. But this aside, the pro-Israel protesters were very vocal and their tactics were to wear us down by ridiculous arguments such as claiming that hamas were the murderers and were using children as a shield. Their ears were totally closed to any form of counter-argument. The Hamas are the murderers line seems incredible given that most of the children are being killed in schools and childrens wards in hospitals. Over 1,700 civilians over a third of which are children have been killed in the last 3 weeks in Gaza (the death rate is rising every day) compared with about 5 in Israel - 2 civilians and the rest soldiers. Very very few hamas rockets hit anything at all in Israel. They might be firing them but they are ineffectual. What is blatantly obvious is the inequality of the conflict: an extremely rich and powerful military superpower tacitly supported by the US and the UK versus a open-air concentration camp filled with some of the poorest and most persecuted people on earth which is being very rapidly reduced to rubble (40,000 homes destroyed so far), where the drinking water is being contaminated, where food is rationed, where movement is heavily controlled, where automatic machine guns fire on anyone (ie children) coming near to the Israeli wall. Dont be fooled by the anti-semitic argument - we all need to stand together humanistically against the apartheid and genocide being unleashed by the Israeli/Zionist state. Evil triumphs if good people stand by and do/say nothing. Stand up and be counted. Join the daily protest on King Street or those in your area. Boycott Israeli goods to send a message that this kind of annihilation will not be tolerated. Though they tried hard to demoralize us, on reflection we can feel quietly motivated by the fact that the Zionist gathering that opposed us today unwittingly helped us by blocking all access to Kedem thereby aiding our boycott. And there were far fewer of them even though the Zionist lobby is very powerful in the UK, particularly the US and around the world. I dont agree with violence on any side in pursuit of political aims but I dont think the situation is as complex as the Israeli state wishes us to believe. This is a one-sided battle, which means it isnt a conflict but an annihilation.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:13:07 +0000

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