(trigger? {I haves a little paragraph at the - TopicsExpress


(trigger? {I haves a little paragraph at the end}) . . . Self harm is not just cutting Self harm is not just cutting Self harm is not just cutting Self harm is not just cutting How many times do I have to say it? There are so many ways you can hurt yourself. The most well known is cutting, yes, but that doesnt mean you can forget about all the other different ways. Just because someone doesnt have scars on their body from cutting doesnt mean they dont harm their body to punish themselves for being alive. Some people may burn themselves, others scratch, punch walls, bang their head against a wall, have eating disorders, drink excessively, break bones, bite themselves, hit themselves hard enough to leave bruises etc. The term Self harm is all inclusive. To anyone out there who is going through a rough time right now, my inbox is always open. Just message me and I will reply ASAP. I think youre all beautiful/handsome in your own way and everyones unique and just be yourself because there is no one else in this world who can be a better you, than you. So what if youre not a size 0 in Aeropostale? Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. And those people you see in the media, they have makeup on, and are photoshopped, Beauty is not your weight or appearance, its you. Its whats inside. Your body and appearance and shit will fade. After you have kids (or not) or get older, your skin will get wrinkly and your boobs and butt will sag, but do you know what will still be there? Your personality. It stays with you for life, man. Yes, having a nice appearance would be nice, but I think we can all agree that if you see someone attractive and you decide to actually socialize for once and talk to them, and you find out they are a total douche, it turns you off, right? So, um this was a lot longer than I was planning it to be, and um Im not like trying to preach, or post this to be an attention whore or whatever you may call it, but um I really think each of you is amazing. Just think about it. You all, each and every one of you, started as one single cell. Now just look at you. Youve grown so much since that first cell. And if all that doesnt make you think about things differently, than you have millions of cells that depend on you to live. If you die, they die. Keep living for them, ok? I love you all, mwah. Stay fab
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 22:55:54 +0000

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