via Kevin McCarney: Where the heck are all of those staunch - TopicsExpress


via Kevin McCarney: Where the heck are all of those staunch Conservative writers in this County. Today the Daily Sentinel printed a column that basically declares if you believe in the Constitution, then you are a racist. The column by Wayne Hare had a disclaimer at the bottom that is was a reprint and the Daily Sentinel was not responsible for the content. Horse Hockey, they chose to print that column. I expected to see a flood of defense. Do you hear the crickets? Here is my response posted tonight: Once again the bias of the Daily Sentinel is on full display in Sunday’s Op-Ed hit piece by Wayne Hare. I think that if I were John Pennington, I would be looking for a lawyer and filing a lawsuit against Mr. Hare and the Sentinel. The same with Sheriff Mack. There is an evident double standard used in publishing opinion pieces at the Sentinel. I submitted a letter to the editor the past week pointing out some irregularities of one of the Sheriff’s candidates. I received a call telling me they would not print that letter without proof, that it was all speculation on my behalf. I sent that proof the same day, but still no letter. Yet the idle speculations of Mr. Hare make a Special Column. Most frightening of all is the move within in the Political Crowd to turn the word Constitution into a symbol of racism and inequality. Already we have candidates shying away from using the word in their campaigns. Recently an elected official posted on my Facebook page that “we already tried that Constitutional thing” as if our guiding governing document is a tactic and not a way of life. Put simply, the Constitution of The United States is the greatest governing document ever produced, a powerful form of Government granting the power to the people, not to some ruling class or Monarchy. People like Mr. Hare and the Political Class who seek to denigrate and belittle it usually do so for reasons. They believe that they are smarter than the Constitution and that the power should rest with the elites, not the people. The Constitution was written to keep these type of people out of power. Our Founders started our document with “We The People…” written large and proud. When asked about what type of Government we were given, Benjamin Franklin replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.” After 225 years, it seems the forces of darkness have discovered how to take it away. Just make anything about our history racist and embarrassing. It is up to We The People to prove them wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:48:57 +0000

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