)( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Dear - TopicsExpress


)( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Dear John-Mary Kauzya ([email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], , Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB) DPADM – UNDESA My Submitted ID = 3170 , Nomination for UNITED NATIONS PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS , unpan.org/applyunpsa2015 (( Note : My this Nomination for Equity justice prospect to minorities (Indian christen and Muslims ) But when I try to submit on this subject I was forced on subject as Individual policy by Indian government paid terrorists =JIC,IB,MI RAW via used CMS =central Monitoring system from Delhi by Narandra Modi paid Hindu terrorist JIC,IB,MI RAW paid from pmindia.nin.in, . ) pakistanthinktank.org/from-mohamed-to-mohandas 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative? ( real life’s Article for Saudi Arabia King Abdulla and its Ministry of Labor, shoura council members of KSA) ) Title : 1 Saudi Arabia , ,Oman , Qatar , UAE =Abu Dhabi , Kuwait , Braham there are 80 lacks Indian working on Indian pass port , , from this 89% Management posts , High salary (10,000 Saudi Riyal per month to 30,000 Saudi Riyal per month ) jobs of Saudi Arabia , ,Oman , Qatar ,, filled by Hindu only , like Manager , Sr engineers ++ , on INDIAN pass port , by use of ggheewala, jerry Varghese plus other HR agents in Mumbai via ordering then from North Block, PMO =pmindia.nic.in, [email protected] that sent only Hindu Resume s for Higher posts in Saudi Arabia, UAE, += and for lower post like meson, taxi driver .,, sent Indian Muslims Indian christen resume , !!?? its I seen in real in my Life 1990 to 2014 Nov, in ME=Gulf Jobs captured by Hindu =Indian !!?? ( INDIA = a Hindu Nation of 1.50 Billions Hindu voters , )) 2. sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7337_0_1_0_C 3. 2 in 1989 , when I =Minority by birth in India , =Christen , was doing BSc=Graduate with 75% Physics , 74% Chemistry , 60% Maths , , Indian rich Hindu think tank distributed yellow pamphlets with news papers , to all Indian Hindu =1.1 Billions Hindu that time , homes by telling them following points , 4. 1 Do Not allow any Indian Muslim to get Government jobs , central or state level , 5. 2 Do not allow to Indian Muslim to get Refineries petrochemical oil gas official ,middle officer , managements jobs of India, 6. 2 Do Not allow Indian Muslims to get high % marks , in Exams like MBBB.MD, BSc , MSc ,, BTech, MTech, only give them 3rd,2 div degree , only , do NOT give ,70% 80%, 90%,99.9% degree , allow them to get just Lowest degree , make it all possible to supply A3 Paper list of Hindu students to all Examiners ,exam copy checker of BSc, MSc, MTech .Btech ,MBBS,MD ,of India (those are mainly Hindu only ) and ask them to provide more them 75% marks to normal and just above Hindu students hence on basis of these High % degree they(Hindu students ) will able to get Good official jobs government jobs , management jobs in INDIA, Saudi Arabia , UAE, USA, EU UN ,Japan, Korea , Australia , Africa , 7. 3 Published Hindu student any research paper in Indian journals all of science , technology ,medical , ++ , research papers , news papers .,so that they will able to get Jobs , Degree from USA, EU ME =Gulf as professors , lectures engineers doctors , on basis of this published , 8. 3 Do Not allow Indian Muslims to get Jobs in private as well , like Infosis, Tata , Reliance , Birla ++ 9. 4 Do Not allow Indian Muslim to get PhD in Science , Engineering medical , 10. 5 Do Not allow any Indian Muslims , girl to get Higher education jobs, 11. 6 try to make atmosphere to make Indian Muslim population as modern slave of Hindu , 12. 7 Try to do rape , Kill of Indian Muslim girls women any many places , ++ 8 do not provide Jobs of police , army , civil servants , doctors, engineers , professors , lecturer , to Indian Muslims , and after each year and year I seen in real life that they did successful these all things in Indian Muslims life , from 1989 to 2003 , 2014 !!?? 14. (in this all things to happened smoothly 100% successfully JIC, IB, MI RAW CID , with ISRO =isro.gov.in based 100 Hindu satellites in 1989 did full support via remote sensing technology to this Hindu think tank and see in 1999 what I seen these all talks take place 100% in INDIA 15. =1.50 Billions Hindu voters ,Hindu nation ruled by BJP or congress of SP or SS , or Akalidal or TMC 16. They left one corner here for saffron Indian Muslims , means those vote BJP and can do any crime , any riots , any genocides of Indian minorities with in hand to hand with Hindu killer mob, , to these saffron Muslims these rich Hindu of India provide full money jobs, life prospect in India to show UN =un.org that India have Mohandas , India is a shameless democracy which have few saffron Indian Muslims families with Indian government jobs, have degree, have money + to show USA, EU, ME=Gulf , from North India , same things these Indian Hindu applied fro Indian christen also, 17. 3 India all top posts 99% of army , Police , Civil servants =Powerful , top politician ++ all top , are with Hindu only , power jobs 99% , top jobs 99% are with Hindu only !!?? its not from now but from past 20-30-35 years !!?? ,India 97% pure money , share ,Stock , Accessets , property , diamond , gold , , Rights ,Industries , big and small all , are with pure Hindu only !! 18. 4 98% H1 B Visa , Citizenships , B1 Visa , L Visa ,J Visa , Diplomatic Visas of USA ,Europe nation is with Hindu only !!? only 2% are with Indian christen and Muslims !!?? saudigazette.sa/index.cfm... 19. ((Note : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 anti Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn of 2000 Indian christen , Karnataka 2008 anti Christen genocide =of 1990 Indian christen , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 anti Christen genocide of 1800 Indian christen .Gujarat 2002 Genocide of 2000 Indian Muslims =Total kill 8000 Human , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? living in INDIA )) 20. ((This PMO = pmindia.nic.in, Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by use of AFSPA law + MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI .,2,60 ,000=2.6 Lacks murder of Kashmir Muslims = male female , young’s kids girls , youth , civil protestor , innocents , in Kashmir , 2,50 ,000=2.5 lacks murder of Indian christen in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ?? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??)) 21. Subject: 23 February 1991 , in Kupawada village of Kashmir INDIA , , Night Indian army troop ,start to do mass rape with ladies girls more then age 8 years , to 90 years , in front of there husband , father brothers , start to beat brutally Young’s., male by putting them on rope down and start to put red chili power in there eye head , mouth organs , this high profile crime torture gang rape was happed with whole village people of Kupawada village of Kashmir INDIA population of victims 1000 =900+100 , , the doer Indian army troops were Rajputana rifle those belong to Rajasthan India ,till now 19-07-2013 these all victims did not got justice they get only pain abuse , , case of Article 7 (1) (f) torture 14, Article 7 (1) (g)-1 Crime against humanity of rape , Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, ) tell that Jammu and Kashmir election , politic are fake , run by Delhi, North block on paid basis , it also tell that all past 67 years elections fake
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:07:52 +0000

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