well, its birthday time - TopicsExpress


well, its birthday time again. 快樂的時間總是過得特別快,又到了一年一度的回顧和展望日~ Happy birthday to myself, before I forget, I should write some routine works down 祝我生日快樂, 在我被報告整死前,我決定先來把該寫的東西寫一寫。 給26歲的我, 恭喜你順利達成任務,這是個很棒的一年, 充滿著驚喜和挑戰,還有一些令人難過的不愉快 但你以日趨成熟的態度一樣樣的面對與克服過來了 雖然只有一點點,但我真的感覺到自己長大了 也許很多事還需要更多的勇氣,但一點一點的往前, 我想一定會通往那個我們所期待的明天。 辛苦了,謝謝你這一年來的努力。 To 26-year-old me, congratulation for complete the mission. this is an awesome year. full of surprise and challenge, so as some unpleasant things, but you overcame them with maturing manner, I am quit proud of that. though might be just a little, I do feel myself grow up there are still many things need more courage to face them, but step by step, I believe it would lead to the tomorrow that we are looking for. well done, thank you for the great year. 給27歲的我, 準備好了嗎? 你將面對比26歲的我更多的挑戰,但我相信你一定沒問題的 你有個新任務, 既然我們已經在實踐我們的其中一個夢想, 我想你也該稍微去思考一下接下來的路, 我希望你明年交棒時至少能有個大概的概念, 否則28歲的我絕對會想要揍你...... to 27-year-old me, ready? you are going to have much more challenge than 26-year-old me, but I think you would be fine~ you have a new mission. since we already realizing one of our dream, I think its time to think about the next way for the future. I hope you can come out with some idea before next birthday, or 28-year-old me if definitely gonna beat you.... 還是老樣子的那些話, 保持正面的思想,珍惜現在的幸福 不要拋棄信念,相信這個世界上還有很多美好的事物 不要忘記對青春許下的那份承諾, 不論幾歲,都不要丟掉那份熱情和熱血。 like I always say, keep positive thinking, precious the present blessing. do not abandon your faith. there are still many beautiful things in the world worth to believe. do not forget the promise that we made to our youth, never desert the enthusiasm and passion of life. This is the movement, Looking for my life, I can find myself We can make it true 身旁永遠有真正的夢想 放眼無盡的 遼闊世界 只有一個東西在發光 27歲的我 27-year-old me welcome to this world, enjoy your life!!!! youtube/watch?v=w3zcypsjO8o
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:56:34 +0000

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