what you see when you look in the mirror is not actually you, it - TopicsExpress


what you see when you look in the mirror is not actually you, it is merely a vessel you use as a tool to create an experience of your chosen reality. For the real truth is the world you in which you live in is illusionary and is nothing more than the construction of your beliefs, perceptions and your intentions. A creation of your understanding and conditioning and it’s these things that confuse you into believing what you see in the mirror is who and what you are and it controls what you think you can and cannot achieve. They also convince you that what you see and experience in the solid world around you is real even though it is purely and illusion you are experiencing. What is required to gain an understanding of your true nature and of the power you hold on a personal level is to gain understanding of energy and to be aware of what kind of energy you sending in. Everything that exists is simply energy in different forms of perception. Everything is energy! It is this energy that makes up this reality, what you perceive around you is a vacuum and empty space is the true stuff of the universe. For what you perceive as a solid world around you, the things you perceive as matter are in reality simply divisions in space. It is the space that is truly real. What arranges the substance of this space into matter is consciousness. The conscious energy field around you is called many things by many people. It has been called the Matrix, Mind of God, Nature or even simply The Field it is the intangible stuff that connects all things and combines them into a single reality, it is this field that each of us are connected to in which we interact to create and shape reality every moment of every day. This is achieved by our perceptions, interactions of our thoughts, feeling and emotions, but these things that occur within you are quite literally language and this language though not spoken is very real. The importance of understanding this language has been known throughout ancient times. Many societies of the past based their civilization on gaining this knowledge Through the conditioning of culture, religion and others that have been suppressing our true potential creates the reality we perceive today.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 06:50:12 +0000

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