when u amply the principles of the word of God, in conjunction - TopicsExpress


when u amply the principles of the word of God, in conjunction with your faith, Gods hand is destined to move!!! I dont normally air my praise reports out (maybe I should start) but as of Friday I had $0 in 1 account and -$37 in my other account. Today is Impact Offering Sunday and I had purposes in my heart for my family to sow $500 above our normal tithe & offering. obviously things were looking real shady financially & giving was out of the question, especially since rent is due Tuesday. I told The Lord that I have been physically building His church and that I wasnt gonna let this slide. I told the atmosphere and everyone/everything listening that God was gonna make something happen. Friday afternoon I drove an hour to find out y there had not been a deposit in my account, which I was expecting (praying that God would tame my tongue because I gets HOT when my money is tampered with). I get to the office and get everything cleared on that end and the lady tells me to look for a deposit in a few days, but we r closed Monday bcuz its a holiday! so Saturday after leaving an entrepreneur seminar I checked my account and couldnt believe what I heard over the automated service. I had a deposit for more than I anticipated in 1 account and my aunt Denise Pickett had deposited $200 into my other account clearing up the negative. I was expecting 1136 but the deposit was for 1704. I didnt know where that 1704 came from but the Holy Spirit told me to divide 1136 by 2 and add that answer to 1136 and it happened to be $1704. So I am able to pay my rent, sow my seed and promote the gospel of Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! the enemy wanted me to withhold this testimony but I decided to push thru and let every eye that reads this thread how AWESOME the God I serve is!! He is the true & living God and Im not praising bcuz He came thru for me financially, Im praising bcuz He sent His son to die for me and if He is willing to take those extremes, then money aint a thang (Jermaine Dupri voice) to Him! I cant even write all I wanna write bcuz its just THAT much
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:53:28 +0000

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