who are the leaders? who chose the leaders? whose family members - TopicsExpress


who are the leaders? who chose the leaders? whose family members are the leaders?which tribe,state,and country are the leaders from?.......... if correct answers to all these questions could be given by you then YOU are as well as bad followers as the leaders........ ...Let me tell you,no amount of prayer,plea for Gods mercy or intervention could prompt God to send guerilla or heavenly warfare to come and deliver us from the strong-hold of a microscopic few opportunists who are bent on milking dry the common treasure of the nation,the swindlers who are systematically converting our commonwealth to family and personal enterprises.... ..God has given you the wherewithal to channel a social revolutionary movement towards the corrupt leaders and their sycophantic and parasitic followers,demanding accountability, transparency and fair-play in all spheres of governance in the nation. Regardless whose horses might be gorge,as your brothers,my sisters,so and sos relatives would have their hands in the pies,but without fear and favour if the pandora-box is open,then we forge ahead and cleanse the augean-stable and usher in a new lease of life ourselves,God strengthening.I make bold to ask, who fought for the Americans,Japan ese,Chinese even the nearby Ghanaians? Can they pray in those countries as much as we do in Nigeria? Are there as much churches there as we have here in Nigeria? Is every man in every household addressedreverend as it is here? Or heaven is farther here and closer to those countries. Ha haha! .......I, Akinduro believe in a social change,i believe in a redemptive move of dispassionate acknowledgments of the failings of any human society, for not to come to term with reality is mirage and mirage borders on absorbs.The day of reckoning is near.The sooner the churches,mosques,schools and other institutions come to see deliverance,revolution,freedom and emancipation as already at our disposal,the faster we shall arrive the promise land.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:18:34 +0000

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