who knew!! Spuds are good for sunburn..perfect for a heatwave in - TopicsExpress


who knew!! Spuds are good for sunburn..perfect for a heatwave in Ireland Home Remedies to Help Cure Sunburn It’s important for our bodies to be exposed to the sun’s rays in moderation. Allowing that warm glow to touch your arms, legs, face, chest and back can provide a potent amount of Vitamin D—a vital nutrient that promotes bone growth, supports kidney health and strengthens immunity. But be careful, too much sun can cause sunburn, which can be a painful experience that will most likely dampen your relaxation time, and repeated overexposure may even cause permanent skin damage. Soothing remedies such as Aloe Vera can be administered externally and internally to help relieve inflammation. However, there are other great, sun-protecting foods that can help lessen sunburn pain. And the best part is: you can find them in your own kitchen! Potatoes: It may not be the best food to eat if you are trying to lose weight, but the potato’s starch is a perfect remedy to help soothe sunburn. Simply cut a raw potato into slices and rub the slices on the most painful sunburned areas. Oatmeal: A great breakfast meal and powerful burn reliever! Oatmeal contains avenanthramides (anti-inflammatory compounds) that have the ability to soothe itchy and irritated skin, including sunburn. For best results, grind one cup of oatmeal and add it to a bath of cool water, soak and continue process as needed. Tomatoes: Potent with lycopene (an antioxidant that protects skin and fights free radicals), tomatoes can strengthen your skin from sun damage. According to one study, people who ate 5 tablespoons of lycopene tomato paste for 3 months received 25 percent more natural protection against sunburn. Cucumbers: Providing high amounts of soothing water and nutrients, cucumbers make for a powerful, natural remedy to relieve sunburn pain and itch. Mash one entire cucumber and apply directly to skin for quick relief. White Vinegar: Containing natural acetic acid, white vinegar can be used as an anti-inflammatory solution that can effectively dull the pain for around 20 minutes. Dip a hand towel in white vinegar and dab directly onto affected areas of the skin.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:20:45 +0000

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