why do you do so much for people who really wouldnt do jack for - TopicsExpress


why do you do so much for people who really wouldnt do jack for you?, was a question I was asked a while ago. I wont get in to specifics, but, I was helping to advance someone who really hadnt spoken to me in a long, long time. At a time in my life when I myself was (and am) trusting in my reason for being here, there I was helping someone who had more than I did, and wanting to help them regardless...for no gain. It kind of stopped me in my tracks when I was asked that question. Really, thats a great question. why would anyone do anything for anyone with no promise or guarantee of a return on investment, time, or even monetarily as a thanks? Why? A while back (and a while for me is about 15 years ago) I came to a time when I decided that no matter what you believe...(or if you even believe in anything at all)...there comes a time in most everyones life when theyve had about all they could possibly have (no matter your class, income, or status) and and they realize; all I need is enough. For some, it comes, sadly, on their death-bed. I cant tell you how many stories, accounts, and magazine articles Ive read that say the same: On your death bed, youll never wish for a bigger (item), more (currency), or a more fantastic (life)...youll just want to know you made a difference, did some good...and people loved and understood you. So to answer that question at the outset of the thought: I dont want to wish for anything on that day...I just wanted to be part of the good. Period. Dont get me wrong...Ive been taken care of fine. Always when I needed it, always when it was time, but, never because I had it coming. For that; I am thankful eternally. No matter what you believe in: God, Life, Money, that favorite song, Ghandi, Buddha, Whatever...at least you believed you could use whatever you had for good. Thats why. Have a fantastic evening, a great weekend...and get some rest. Youve earned that right. To those who help, thank you. For those who have been, you are welcome. That is balance. youtube/watch?v=4lLmB8PBsXo
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:27:14 +0000

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