you better pray that we have a global currency reset and new UST - TopicsExpress


you better pray that we have a global currency reset and new UST notes back by gold before this happens if not, remember you were warned OBAMA AND ASSOCIATES SCHEDULED TO CRASH AMERICAN DOLLARS STARTING JULY 1, 2014. FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - JUNE 1, 2014 PORTER STANSBERRY HAS A GOOD TRACK RECORD OF CALLING EVENTS IN THE AMERICAN ECONOMY CORRECTLY OTHERS WOULD NOT BELIEVE UNTIL THEY HAPPENED EXACTLY AS HE PREDICTED! HE IS SMART AS PROVEN BY HIS TRACK RECORD OF CALLING POWERFUL EVENTS WITH AMAZING ACCURACY! PORTER STANSBERRY AND ASSOCIATES INVESTMENT RESEARCH HAS A DEADLY REPORT ON THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL H.R. 2847 - WITH ITS SPECIAL PROVISION KNOWN AS FATCA WILL FORCE FOREIGN BANKS TO DROP CARRYING AMERICAN CURRENCY IN THEIR BANKS. THIS HAS THE POTENTIAL TO CRASH THE AMERICAN ECONOMY BEFORE IT IS OVER! FOREIGN NATIONS WILL NOT WANT AMERICAN MONEY IF FATCA CARRIED OUT WHICH OBAMA AND ALLIES IN CONGRESS INTEND TO DO. AS THE OLD SAYING GOES, IF TREASON PROSPERS, THEN NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON. FATCA IS AN ALTERNATE NAME FOR THE POLICY CONDEMNED BY THE NUREMBERG WAR TRIALS OF 1945-6 AS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THEY HAD CHARGED HERMANN GOERING WITH UNDER HITLERS NAZI GERMANY. IT WAS A HANGING OFFENSE UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW SET UP BY THE NUREMBERG WAR TRIALS. WHEN NATIONAL LAW FORBIDS CITIZENS FROM PLACING MONEY ABROAD OR OWNING PROPERTY ABROAD, THEN THIS IS TECHNICALLY CALLED CRIMES AGAINST MANKIND AND ALL FEDERAL OFFICIALS BACKING THIS INCLUDING OBAMA AT THE WHITE HOUSE, HEADS OF FEDERAL AGENCIES, AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO BACKED THIS CAN ALL BE EXECUTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW IF THIS PLAN IS CARRIED OUT MAKING IT EFFECTIVELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR AMERICANS TO DEPOSIT AMERICAN MONEY ABROAD. THIS LINK BELOW WILL SHOW YOU THE REPORT GIVING YOU THE DETAILS ON FATCA AND HOW IT OPERATES UNDER OBAMA ENGINEERED LAW. pro.stansberryresearch/1310PSIEANEW/EPSIQ376/ To stop FATCA only fast passage of our proposed Omni Law can head this off before the American economy is likely collapsed by it where we in America such as the party oriented Americans trying to ignore reality at all costs will potentially face a future in America so horrid as would be like a scene from a science fiction horror movie. We tried to get Americans to back our Omni Law Drive before the fanatics in Congress and White House sunk the American economy once and for all. We stand for a sound banking system and minus these politician tricks by traitors within government to collapse and destroy America from within! We tried to get many Americans to put $25 or multiples of $25 into our Omni Law Loan Program on our website so we would have more money to fight for the fast passing of our Omni Law (full name Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America) and full copy of proposed Omni Law on our national website. Also, when we set up our own sound banking system in our planned Camelot location which would have the finest research and development center in the world, our banking system would be open for all those who backed us before passage of the Omni Law where your money would be safe from the tricks of Obama and others in Wash., D.C. who have all these schemes to get your money from your bank accounts and make your American money potentially worthless by federal policy. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein when alive as teaching the only true economic science in the world in the 20th Century. Pass the Omni Law and fast in America! Make me temporary economic czar of America (probably six months would do the trick) and as a quick fix saving of the American economy until a more permanent answer would be set up, we set up the inverted inflation first proposed by Bernard Baruch but party mad America never listened to him in the 1920s and Americas economy will not then collapse. This inverted inflation was then used in Europe with smashing great success and used by President Truman to keep the American economy from crashing after World War II was over. As Truman explained, this blocked America from then suffering runaway hyperinflation and then takeover of America by Communism. Yes folks, Truman did say that, but they never taught this to you in your American history classes! Bernard Baruch told President Truman how to do this and Truman was smart enough to listen whereas F.D.R. if still alive then might not have listened to Bernard Baruch on this economic tactic to save a nations economy from suddenly collapsing! Push this report around and put heat on the politicians to pass the Omni Law and now! I lived in Wash., D.C. for years and heaven and earth will pass away before politicians will do what is right for America on their own initiative! You ask them if they are for or against this proposed Omni Law on our website and you want them to propose this before Congress and state legislatures before this coming election or else you will vote against them instead of for them! As one member of Congress once commented to one leader for the American grassroots, When you show us that the American people care, then we will care! Until then, dont bother us! That is their attitude towards you the American people! They are a very cynical lot in Wash., D.C. and too many effectively bought off by tactics you dont know about!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:51:48 +0000

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