you can tell youre brainwashed if: 1) you think the world is - TopicsExpress


you can tell youre brainwashed if: 1) you think the world is over-populated, and there arent enough resources. 2) you spend only 1 or 2 days a week free, and the rest of the time working, when it should be the other way round. 3) you measure success by how much money you have, the car you drive, your house and titles. 4) you drive to a gym to go on walking, running and cycling machines, and pay a subscription to do so. 5) you only buy well-known food brands in major supermarkets, and you only wear famous clothes labels that are heavily-marketed. 5) you support foreign wars because of terrorists. 6) you believe anything you see on tv. 7) you believe anything the government says. 8) you follow a sports team religiously, as if it really is a more important matter than life and death. 9) you think the royal family are a harmless antiquity with no real power but are good for tourism. 10) everything is our fault, despite our not owning global banks, corporations and ngos. 11) you dont believe mind control, propaganda and brainwashing is ever done to us.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 12:13:57 +0000

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