I watched this video the weekend and I - TopicsExpress

   I watched this video the weekend and I strongly debated whether to repost it, but it is a subject that is too close to home not too, so here goes to opening the lid and giving my two pence! Basically the link below is given by Niall Breslin hes a public figure in Ireland, and here he shares his personal account of what its like to have a mental health illness, the challenges of having it in todays society, getting a diagnosis and his views on what actions are needed to normalise it, the same as any other common health condition. Couple of friends on here have already shared this vid and fair plate you, I know for sure its much easier to post about a cute puppy or funny video!! So What is Depression?? According to WHO ( World Health Organisation ) Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness, and poor concentration. Depression can be long-lasting or recurrent, substantially impairing an individual’s ability to function at work or school or cope with daily life. Depression is a disorder that can be reliably diagnosed. When mild, people can be treated without medicines but when depression is moderate or severe they may need medication and professional talking treatments 1 in 4 people suffer from a mental health illness at some point in their lives So therefore this isnt some sort of rare, elusive illness ... it is very much common place. The only scarce thing going on is we barely ever mention it, and to be honest I think a large problematic factor remains in the fact that a People are struggling on how to approach their GP with it which is normally the first step in getting a diagnosis or getting some answers, or perhaps there is a huge fear in approaching your GP for which theyve had for many years, and more practical approach models need to be devised. Such as perhaps a tick box sheet to present to your Doctor, other formats really need to be looked into. Not spending millions on consultants to analyse water systems, the way suicide is spiralling out of control there will be no residents in the homes to pay the water bills in Ireland!! More money from the government needs to be pumped into this area now, and as Niall mentioned there is just complete inadequate media coverage on this topic compared to everything else like obesity, cholesterol etc which is just as important but there just need to be a more level playing field. There needs to be better informative training for GPs, HR personnel, charity staff, civil service and other health care providers on how to advise around this subject to people in need and what the right individualistic positive steps are to take before dismissing their symptoms. The way I see it, and I know a fair few with this disorder. It doesnt matter who you are or where you come from, theres no face, race or societal classification when it comes to depression or mental health illness. It can be diagnosed and it can be treated like any other health condition, so go to your local GP, or local mental health provider, if they dont work go somewhere else, important thing is not to give up, if your feeling like your not sure how you put it into words, bring a close friend or family member with you for support. As Niall mentioned we need to stop living in the dark ages with this and have freedom to be open about it without any judgement. You will be suprised how much your life can turn around if you do reach out and seek help! It may not be easy to initiate it or go through the process but you will never regret it. I really hope this helps some people or gives a better understanding to those that are slightly confused about what exactly is depression. The more we talk the better it will matter what the subject is at the end of the day, when we talk about it, we get it out in the open ... And thats when changes will happen!!! Merry Christmas to All 😊🎄⛄️
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 02:42:27 +0000

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