I saw this video on facebook once and - TopicsExpress

   I saw this video on facebook once and really enjoyed it. Its amazing to see people succeed regardless of where they come from. That is why they say not to burn bridges. You never know who could be your boss one day, who could make the decisions that can ultimately affect you. After all they say that what you do affects others. This is why acts of kindness is so important. You are not only being kind to someone in that particular time, but you could ultimately be changing their life forever. Kindness creates a ripple effect that can change someone’s life forever. Decide to make 2015 a year in which you’ll commit to being kind and helping others. If we each decide to be better, we’ll collectively make the world a better place. Jen and Natalie Join us on facebook if you havent already at facebook/groups/dreamnetworkacademy PS: Whatever your current situation find the good in it. Everything starts in your mind and you can decide here to change your world dreamnetworkacademy
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:08:58 +0000

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