Check out this video on YouTube: My - TopicsExpress

   Check out this video on YouTube: My friend & my hero.... Dana Durnford It takes a special kind of human being to relentlessly keep going & going & going, regardless of what curveballs are thrown at them. I cannot help but feed off Danas energy that he creates unintentionally just by being a decent man, I feel guilty sometimes as he is so often exhausted, drained & disappointed & hurt on how some people choose to treat him & other people alike for doing good things. Whats with that? I will go as far to say I see Dana as a formidable character 100%.& I dont use that term lightly as there just arent formidable people in large numbers... I stumbled across BGbD 2 years ago by accident & havent bothered with any other fight (except Sea Shepherd) since. I have been educated in that time more than I can tell you, yet have been referred to as an idiot more times than Japan have lied to the world...... To have travelled the road with Dana, the hounds & other activists is something Im proud to be involved with. At times Ive been unsure of whos who, why & what for? But shit happens right? All the Fuku time. Does it matter? Not to me. I know where my moral compass is & thats what is important , I dont question if what Im supporting is right, if I was I wouldnt be writing this now as I have plenty of other ways to throw myself under he bus on social media & this isnt it...... Anywhoo..... I have a heavy heart watching this latest video, its not fair it has come to Dana feeling desperate enough that he has to expose himself to the public, yet he is swallowing his pride & doing what he is doing not for himself but existence & answers that arent delivered to us by one agency or science mob or another. These entities are those we question or have trouble believing at all, thats not going to change no matter how many community projects they fund or lead & print in mainstream media... I can understand why he doesnt wish to wait until the weather is warmer. He has been the focus of a targeted derailing campaign, had more hate videos made about him in recent months than anything Ive witnessed so getting the job done is his #1 priority for obvious reasons (at least they are to me), wasting time is not on the agenda for Dana. He does not suffer fools & is not foolish himself even if it is Fuku freezing & those of us that care a shit load (which is a reasonable unit of measure) are concerned he is doing the right thing, just like Stacey, Nutz, Kevin, Yslays, RC, Missing & heaps more that are also on the same mission, singing the same song in one way or another.... many people support him regularly, those that do follow the situation its no news to us where things are at. its time to ask the people we know in our own lives to support us in our quest to support Dana...... Thats not asking too much, not asking at all is what isnt fair.... Its surely not ok for us to watch his videos & see his emotional journey as well as the agenda of others & just watch or comment.. If YT was $1 a day most people who support this would log in at least 1 time a week, those who dont support would log in 3 times a week just to be able to post horrible comments, true? Im also going to post this on FB & embrace all those who have something good or bad to say about it... If Dana can do a YT video clearly as his worst & face the weather in minus temperature, I sure can handle the social media network & all the good & bad that comes with it... I have 14 subscribers on YT some of which follow me to see what I comment on or post in case its useful material in videos that are motivated by human unkindness at its shittest. I have never made a video, sadly I dont even know how to remix a video at this stage but nevertheless there are people out there following me like the mainstream media follow Kim Kardashian to get a photo of her saying the wrong thing as thats what they do, harass & create headlines taking no prisoners & never showing compassion.. However, The universe is on my side today,, it will be tomorrow & the next day & the day after that..... Feel free to share my post, make your own & do whatever you can to help the stars align on this one. This missions deserves a change for the better in a positive direction & to put the haters at bay for a while they dont like to see the good folk of the world be successful and giving humanity a chance to thrive gives these folk gastero!!! $2 - $10 if you can @ Paypal Danadurnford@hotmail
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 21:13:44 +0000

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