ISIS: An Illuminati Controlled CIA Terror - TopicsExpress

   ISIS: An Illuminati Controlled CIA Terror Organization (Part 3 of 3) **make sure to look at parts 1 and 2 to know where I am coming from here in part 3! ISIS: A CIA/MI-6/Mossad Created Terror Group The reality that most people do not know is that ISIS is a CIA, MI-6, Mossad, funded group.. CIA operatives as well as others from these organizations have trained ISIS members. ISIS also has a lot of funding from our allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey. ISIS has been receiving anti-tracking software from the U.S. ISIS is not the only group that was a CIA branch creation.. Al-Qaeda is too. The CIA formed Al-Qaeda during the Russian/Afghani conflict in the 80s. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA assest named, Tim Ossman. Whats the purpose of creating terror groups? To use them as puppets to help aid in bringing about the New World Order that satan and the Luciferian-illuminati elite of the world are setting up as we speak. There is an agenda to create World War 3 where there is so much war, bloodshed, and chaos in the Middle East that the Islamic state and Israel mutually destroy each other through war, which will allow the Antichrist to defend Israel (at first) and be their conquering messiah as theyve always wanted. The illuminati are prepping Israel to receive the Antichrist through the coming, terrible war that will come. We will see ww3 and it will involve the Mid-East, heavily. Not only that, but to use MI-6/CIA created groups such as ISIS/Al-Qaeda to conduct terror operations, this leads to Americas freedoms being stripped away as well as other 1st world nations freedoms. Its called a problem, reaction, solution game. Many false-flag/trauma mind-control terror events have been used to instill fear and further the sinister agenda of the New World Order. 911 is one of the most famous false-flag/trauma events conducted by the elite and allegedly through the CIA run Al-Qaeda (who were the scapegoats). Another is Sandy Hook. CIA, Mossad, and MI-6 (MI-6 is the illuminatis top most elite intelligence agency) were created by the Luciferian-illuminati elite and illuminati bankers to tighten their grip on the world through military/spec ops/psyops/intelligence means. Many Americans do not know that the CIA has satanic roots and much of what they do at the deep secret levels heavily involves demonic influence, rituals, and torture/mind-control. This is the reality. As Christians, we must realize we do live in a pagan land whose top leaders and shakers serve a bigger plan to usher in the New World Order under Lucifer and the Beast. The name ISIS is significant in the illuminati/occult world as well. At the root, the name used is a symbol and representation of belief of the illuminati that involves the Luciferian mystery religion and occult doctrine surrounding the goddess Isis. What is happening in Iraq to the Elect of the LORD will happen to His Elect in America too. American Believers will face persecution too as the New World Order is furthering along (just look up how many FEMA camps they are setting up as we speak). We shall not fear, however! Christ IS with us even to the end of the age! He will never leave us nor forsake us! The LORD will outpour His Spirit over the entire world and His end-time Bride will move in His power in the most powerful way the world has ever seen. This will include His Elect in America too! Christ and that awesome truth is what we will need to cling to. No scheme of the devil can disrupt the will, plan, and love of our MIGHTY LORD! We must pray for our Brethren in Iraq and for the LORD to empower them. Also, for the members of ISIS/Al-Qaeda so they can repent, see the truth, and know Jesus Christ. Our top American leaders (the ones who are a part of the New World Order) who are being puppets and furthering satans agenda must be prayed for too. The LORD desires not one to perish. GOD bless! in Christ Dont take our word for it. Pray and research without bias on this. Do your own truth seeking! Informative links that I have put into a playlist on my Prepare MY Bride Youtube Channel. They are very well-done and informative if you are looking for the truth!: youtube/playlist?list=PLChGdxyXNrKJfy6293yv3hQCh9yXI4swY Former CIA/NSA Contractor exposing ISIS ISIS trained by U.S. CIA is an Illuminati front organization rense/general30/illuminatidefector.htm henrymakow/000683.html 911 truth from the mouth of Illuminati Nicholas Rockefeller Cathy OBrien- CIA MK-Ultra mind control victim speaks out MK-Ultra mind control Roseanne Barr exposes Hollywood MK-Ultra CIA asset Osama Bin Laden a.k.a Tm Ossman humansarefree/2011/05/proof-that-osama-bin-laden-was-cia-and.html ISIS supported by U.S. ISIS leader was Israeli Mossad agent CIA staging videos before
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:02:04 +0000

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