Every year in Maine, thousands of - TopicsExpress

   Every year in Maine, thousands of construction jobs go unfilled because of a lack of available skilled workers. To meet the challenges of an aging workforce, we must encourage our young people to consider a career in construction. ABC/DCEF Craft Championships does just that by giving high school students a hands-on opportunity to try out the trades. The Craft Championships focus attention on workforce development in the industry by demonstrating a commitment to safety, productivity and quality workmanship. The young men and women who participate in this event represent the future of merit shop construction. There are more than 50 construction companies with their equipment and activities right at the student’s fingertips. We hosted over 1,000 kids and instructors at this event every year. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever – but we’ll need your help again to make it so. We are inviting the junior high school students as well as all the Guidance councilors in Maine. We need to tap into the younger students to help them see what types of opportunities there are in the construction industry. The championships are held at the Augusta Civic Center on November 21, 2014 from 8am-2pm. This is a free field trip for students to experience the joys of the Construction industry. Watch the video to learn more.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:35:43 +0000

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