To all of you Trigger Happy Bullies - TopicsExpress

   To all of you Trigger Happy Bullies AKA...police officers out there killing the could and should learn a thing or two from TUPAC!! How is it that in 1993 he made a conscious effort to shoot two armed white officers in the ass, who were harassing a black man, in order to disarm them instead of killing them? He could have finished them off very easily. I mean, it was self-defense after they came and broke a window of a car he was riding in right? But he didnt! Shoot to Disarm vs. Shoot to Kill Im so sick of hearing these officers after they are guilty of murder and are being questioned about the circumstances surrounding the event saying We do not shoot to maim, if we are threatened, we shoot to kill or use lethal force. Thats how we are trained. Next, comes the victim blaming! This makes me sick! It should be against the law to victim blame or assassinate someones late character. Once you murder should never be able to say their name again. You should lose that right when you took their right to defend themselves...along with their life! How dare they leave it up to the grieving family to defend their loved one in their time of pain. It continues to echo in my ears and eyes...We do not shoot to maim. But where did this policy come from and how long has this been in place? We live in an age where we have sophisticated training techniques and execution is the best they can do? You mean to tell me that a self-proclaimed thug like Tupac Shakur can exercise restraint and control (and he couldnt even stand the police)....yet the police who are TRAINED to keep us safe and protect us ...cant? Yes, Tupac had more of a moral compass than you tough guy cowards hiding behind your badges. He was more of a man than all of you killer cops and creepy vigilantes (YES, YOU GEORGE ZIMMERMAN....RIP Trayvon Martin) all put together! Whats wrong with this picture? To make matters worse, these unwarranted murders are happening in disproportionate numbers to minorities and especially black kids and men. How long does this go on before there is a change? How many marches? How many signs? How many times are we going to have to mourn along with these broken hearted families before there are changes? How many times are we going to have to hear No Indictment before there is a change? How many hoodies/shirts are we going to have to buy to show support? Earlier, I said that the police are out there killing the undeserving, but I didnt say unsuspecting. That is because If we dont unite and stand for what is right...RIGHT NOW, and demand changes fast, then this will sadly be the norm. Its what every black male should expect....every single time they leave their house...and nothing less!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:59:39 +0000

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