I am so angry I can only hope the gods of - TopicsExpress

   I am so angry I can only hope the gods of chance smile down on me, and force me to defend myself so I have to KILL a bad-ass merciless tough guy, or 2 or 3 or 4 or hopefully 5. Misery loves company. Hope deferred maketh the heart SICK! I am not sick in the head. I AM SICK IN THE HEART! NOT only am I a frustrated rapper unable to make it solely based on my ugly looks, MY BODY IS IN CONSTANT CHRONIC PAIN! ONLY Doctor Oz can make me better and normal again. THIS pain makes me wish I could kill somebody in self-defense, somebody who deserves to die bc they are tough, superior to me. ANYONE superior to me is my ENEMY! I just want to see what it feels like to watch someone vastly and physically superior to me dying, twitching, hyperventilating with a big gunshot to his chest going into shock, seeing demons in his eyes. I just want to be able to FEEL better than a bad ass tough guy! IF ONLY I was good-looking, and had the longer arms, and looked young again, I could let this anger roll off my chest. If ONLY I did NOT have to live with this chronic pain that continually nags me with this thought: Youre growing old and YOU WILL DIE ONE DAY no matter how much you want to live! VIDEO ON DAILYMOTION EXPLAINS IT BETTER: VIDEO IS AGE-RESTRICTED SO YOU NEED TO OPEN A DAILYMOTION ACCT TO VIEW IT.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:36:34 +0000

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