youtube/watch?v=v4PvZSGbd8E An European Parliament Advert. - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=v4PvZSGbd8E An European Parliament Advert. Can Europe become a genuine federal state? What is your opinion? I am not sure about the economical and political aspect of European union. But I think we should cooperate as much as it is possible, and be more and more united by our core values. Do you think we have any? We Europeans do have something in common: common history of mutual hatred, prejudice, propaganda in media, religious wars, idolatrie of one´s nation, killing for the sake of idealogies. In general we have a common experience of ideologies sowing hatred in peoples minds, hatred against people of different religion, nation or social class. And we have a long tradition of critical reflection on these phenomenon of hatred. The best of us all the way through the last two thousand years of European history were looking for a formula how to build a society which would be peaceful. And we have the common tradition of Christianity and its critique, the enlightenment with the idea of Human Rights. We just need to go through the process of reflecting of all this experince and sum it up in the form of a set of our core values. I believe that a thorough European dicussion about our core values would empower us and unite us. For me the most important European discovery is the belief that we human beings are not just biologically or socially programmed machines. We are able to choose our destiny and form ourselves, which makes us responsible for our actions. We are what we believe we are. We don´t have to assume that we are and have to be just egoistic animals. Human fate is not determined only by genes, social environment, natural and psychological laws. We determine ourselves by the values that we embrace. We can decide what will be the most important think for us. I guess what could be the result of such a dicussion about our core values: We believe that every human being has the right to be treated as equal, with dignity, with respect and with justice. And that the necessary means to achieve this goal are: good governance, free and high quality media promoting rational and critical thinking in public space and good education for everybody. Without equality, without freedom and without justice, there is no sustainable brotherhood. Where there is no brotherhood there is animosity, and in the end war.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:11:22 +0000

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