سوريا كما اتمناها ان اتكون : قوية حرة - TopicsExpress


سوريا كما اتمناها ان اتكون : قوية حرة متماسكة موحدة بارضها وشعبها بسمائيها وارضها وماءهائها لماذا نطلب من الاخرين ان يكونوا مثلتنا لماذا لانتفق معهم ونلتقي عند نقطة الوسط اليس لنا بالكعبة الشريفة مثال اكبر نلتقي عندها نطوف حولها سبعة اشواط ثم نصلي متخذين من مقام سيدنا ابراهيم مصلى نسمع القول ونتبع احسنه [1- حرصا على وحدة سوريا ومنعا لسفك الدماء وهتك الاعراض لنتفق على اسم الدولة ( الجمهورية السورية ) 2- نظام الحكم -برلماني -دستوري - لامركزي3- الدستور بما يتوافق مع القوانين الانسانية الدولية ولاينتافى مع الدينات السماوية والعادات والتقاليد الاجتماعية اقراء صحيحا (الديانات 9 ...Continue Reading Syria also wanted to be: powerful free uniform knit its land and people bsmaeha and وماءهائها why ask others who we disagree with them and why we meet at the midpoint is our greatest example of Kaaba meet then canvas around seven runs and then pray using Maqam Ibrahim Chapel hear say and follow the best [1. in Syria unit in order to prevent bloodshed and indecent assault to agree on the name of the State (Syrian) regime-constitutional-parliamentary-3-decentralised Constitution in accordance with the laws of humanity International welaintavi with religious affiliation as heavenly and social customs and traditions read true (religions 9 4. personal status act compatibly with sects and denominations of 5-aahadath and revitalization of cultural associations with an interest in folklore and social heritage of the Syrians with all its factions, etc.: 6. independent national judicial lakabh the alarkabh conscience and ethics and active courts in smaller villages and towns according to the hierarchy of courts, taking into account the population of each town 7-correction and rehabilitation centres aatbarman administrative division of Central-City area command overseeing all the organizations Mainstreaming international human rights and international standards adopted a responsible Minister of Social Affairs and labour and her own police: national army stands on the policy neither intervenes neutrality with people to defend the people and State border service is mandatory in only one course after military moves to a place that was staffed by a recruiter on the application assets for military intelligence and staff safe civilian laytkhdlan the task no matter what she was Attorney General and local neighbourhoods and villages 9. police and national security laitdkhlan to public life For two people to serve him and not a sword hanging over his neck have arrested alayi custody visit and a lawyer and international organizations and to the detention centres to inform all human rights organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to warrant these organizations act and protected by human rights laws and regulations 10-a free and open economy on both the Western and Eastern world countries 11 the right of worship and encourages the State Archives and allow the baka functions of associations and clubs, places of worship and to facilitate the task of operators : The condition of not dealing with politics and inciting sectarianism which had feared Syrian society unit 12-State border-are the limits of 1946: 13-state flag is the flag of independence in 1946, 15-Syrian head of State since birth welaihaml other nationality religion and national head of State is important as after arrival of the Syrian people to the national framework and the human conscience is a servant of the people and not the master of the other authority waives and brings her team works dedicated to Syrian service 16. Administration and the establishment of institutions and civil society organizations working for Segments of the Syrian people and raise hopes on autopilot in cooperation with the Syrian Government: an example of a wounded and amputees of the Syrian revolution has the right to own cars and investment International Airport line: retired military institution entitled to invest and operate martyrs Foundation-eligible investment road-positions-balagrhwalkh 17-the fight against terrorism and the dissemination of international humanitarian law among citizens through schools, clubs, associations, places of worship, public and private newspapers and Syrian advertising and political terrorism have no religion and lakomet and Kimberley Upton exploitation of scholars and clerics in the dissemination of international humanitarian law Event to promote peace between the Syrians: 18-all rights reserved by the Constitution including the right of sale and purchase and own property and to worship, nationality and freedom of opinion and expression, etc. 19. Syrian territory of Golan I posted right legitimately restored 20. re the names of towns and villages, public squares, buildings, and companies for their older 21-names that thoma name lion from circles and squares and buildings and lift all the statues that glorified the lion and replace them with the names of the places and the work for which : Example resonator alghanatisi Centre for armed forces: 22. legal and financial accountability for all State employees no right to combine employment and trade or other business, the employee should submit a statement baamlakh for applying for the job and asasasha hiring or not: so does not gather between the Principality and the Embassy trade my peace Sheikh Walid Al-Omari
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:48:18 +0000

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