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كَسرك بالضلع مو هينه ويطيب وإذا تسئلني أكللك سلامات وَطلبك حاجة الملهوف وتغيب! ولا فد مرة كتلك انته بَذات!! ياصورة حمامه إو بالطبع ذيب! مو مرة اغدرتني اهواي مرات طفل وجروحي صارلك ملاعيب رغم كل الألم تلكه ابتسامات وأبد ما بيك طيبة وناكر الطيب وأجَذب من أحطن بيك طَيبات سَويتك وَفي وأدري الجذب عيب يل امسويني نكته ابين شمات!! تحياتي الك عن بالي مَتغييب ابحلك الموت وابعثلك تَحياات إظنوني اشكد عليك اتودي وتجيب بس ما جيت وياهن حَرامات ،،منقوول،، تحياتي لكم ان شاء الله يعجبكم شاركها ! inShare2 [Pin It] الوسوم :2013 خيانة شعر عراقي غدر عن admin السابق: اشعار حب عراقية 2013 – شعر عراقي حب التالي: شعر حب عراقي 2013 – 2014 – شعر شعبي مقالات مشابهة شعر شعبي عراقي 2014 – ولج بسج يادنيا 9 أكتوبر, 2013 شعر عراقي عن الجرح 2014 – جرحي خضر 9 أكتوبر, 2013 شعر عراقي شعبي 2013 – شعر شعبي عراقي 2013 – الشعر 1 أغسطس, 2013 شعر خيانة 2013 – شعر عراقي خيانة 2013 – شعر عن الخيانة 1 أغسطس, 2013 شعر عراقي 2013 – حلفت بداعتي وماشورت بيك 1 أغسطس, 2013 شعر شعبي عراقي 2013 1 أغسطس, 2013 شعر حب عراقي 2013 – صدك محتاج احب 1 أغسطس, 2013 قفشات شعرية 2013 – قفشات تحشيش 1 أغسطس, 2013 مسجات عراقية 2013 – مسجات حزينة 1 أغسطس, 2013 شعر عراقي حب 2013 – شعر حب وغزل 27 يوليو, 2013 16 تعليقات Burton Haynes 12 سبتمبر, 2013 في 1:04 م I just want to mention I’m very new to weblog and really savored this blog. More than likely I’m want to bookmark your blog post . You surely come with fabulous stories. Thanks a bunch for sharing your web-site. رد save on 13 سبتمبر, 2013 في 11:33 م I Am Going To have to come back again when my course load lets up – however I am taking your Rss feed so i can read your internet site offline. Cheers. رد dodge ecm 23 سبتمبر, 2013 في 9:11 م This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose. رد veterinary clinic weatherford 23 سبتمبر, 2013 في 10:32 م I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.) رد great survival backpack 24 سبتمبر, 2013 في 12:32 ص Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case. رد go here 5 أكتوبر, 2013 في 10:46 ص The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice. رد open site in new window 7 أكتوبر, 2013 في 7:16 ص Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are. رد what is apple support number 7 أكتوبر, 2013 في 8:10 ص Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. رد 404 Not Found 7 أكتوبر, 2013 في 10:42 ص Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor. رد Eventbrite 7 أكتوبر, 2013 في 11:45 ص This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose. رد partner sites 7 أكتوبر, 2013 في 1:46 م This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose. رد family ornaments 23 أكتوبر, 2013 في 6:07 ص This blog is obviously awesome and also diverting. I have found a bunch of handy advices out of it. I’d love to come back again soon. Thanks! رد best smokeless cigarettes discussion 23 أكتوبر, 2013 في 7:01 ص If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you. رد Mulberry outlet 24 أكتوبر, 2013 في 8:22 ص This unique blog is really interesting as well as informative. I have found a lot of interesting advices out of it. I’d love to return every once in a while. Thanks a lot! رد car accident in new hampshire 24 أكتوبر, 2013 في 8:46 ص The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important. رد mommy makeover seattle 24 أكتوبر, 2013 في 9:28 ص Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. رد اضف رد لن يتم نشر البريد الإلكتروني . الحقول المطلوبة مشار لها بـ * الإسم * البريد * الموقع متابعة
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:29:20 +0000

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