مستخلص اليوكا ومحتواه من الصابونين - TopicsExpress


مستخلص اليوكا ومحتواه من الصابونين ... وأمراض الدواجن متوفر حاليا من خلال المركز العلمى المصرى للخلاصات العشبية - إسك New applications for saponins in animal husbandry are being explored, especially the effect of saponins on protozoal diseases. Saponins form strong insoluble complexes with cholesterol. This has many important implications, including cholesterol-lowering activity in humans, discussed later in this article. Many protozoa enter the body via the digestive tract or cause their pathological effects in the gut. Saponins react with cholesterol in the protozoal cell membrane, causing the cell to rupture and lyse. Giardiasis (beaver fever), for example, is a disease with symptoms of severe diarrhea associated with the protozoan Giardia lamblia, often found in untreated drinking water, that can infect the small intestine. Research currently in progress at Agriculture Canada in Lethbridge, Alberta, has shown yucca extract to be very effective in killing Giardia trophozoites, which are the infective stages released in the gut when the oocytes, or eggs, sporulate, although no studies with humans have yet been done. Other important protozoal diseases of livestock, including coccidiosis and equine protozoal myoencephalitis, may be amenable to treatment with saponins. Ruminant animals (cattle, sheep and other cud-chewing animals with a complex stomach) have a large population of rumen protozoa. The rumen protozoa reduce the efficiency of fermentation in the rumen, and increases in animal performance often occur when the protozoa are removed (a process called defaunation). Yucca saponins are effective in suppressing rumen protozoa, again by reacting with cholesterol in the protozoal cell membrane, causing it to lyse. د/ صبري صلاح الدين المستشار العلمى المركز العلمى المصرى للخلاصات العشبية - إسك لطلب المستخلصات العشبية المدير التنفيذى للمركز م/ وائل صلاح 01005580553 01207368884 لطلب الأعشاب المفردة مسئول التسويق أ/ محمود صلاح الدين 01148181334
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:52:14 +0000

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