مقالة هامة عن وفاة سياسة السوق - TopicsExpress


مقالة هامة عن وفاة سياسة السوق الحر بوتين يعرف ان روسيا ستضرر اقتصاديا بس عنده قناعة ان روسيا معتادة على التقشف بينما الاوربيون سيتنازلون ولن يتحملوا عض الاصابع If this of concern to Vladimir Putin, he has yet to show it. With the eurozone itself teetering on the brink of a fresh downturn, the Russian leader believes that in a war of sanctions between a west that is barely out of recession and a Russia accustomed to belt-tightening, it will be the west that blinks first. Whether he is right or not, one thing is clear: the era that began with the opening of the iron curtain is over. Although Putin has no alternative ideology to offer, times have changed. This is now a messier, less clearly defined, multipolar world. It is not just that the pre-eminence of the dollar has been challenged by Russias announcement that roubles and yuan will be used in the oil deal it has brokered with China. It is not just that we are back to spheres of influence. It is not even that governments have become more interventionist and protectionist. It is that after the convulsions of the past seven years, it is hard to imagine a US president or indeed any western leader saying: We know what works, the free market works. So RIP new world order. Born Berlin 1989. Died with Lehman Brothers September 2008. Laid to rest eastern Ukraine August 2014. theguardian/business/2014/aug/31/russia-economic-warfare-rip-free-market-new-world-order
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:53:12 +0000

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