あけましておめでとうございます!(Happy New Years!) - TopicsExpress


あけましておめでとうございます!(Happy New Years!) I would like to take this time to give thanks and express my appreciation to all of those whom have been a big part of my life this past year. For those who are not aware, I have made a big step, moving my family across the globe, from Canada to Japan this year. We have spent the past 7 months adjusting ourselves to not only the lifestyle but the climate and language/culture as well. It has been a difficult struggle; mostly for myself, being the most climated person of our family; having grounded myself in not only a comfortable financial position, but having such a strong personal connection with so many great people, family and friends. I want to start by thanking my family, for being so supportive of us taking their grandchildren/nephew/niece/cousins across the globe, away from them. Thank you for being there for us when we needed you, and also encouraging us not to give up on our beliefs; to follow our hearts. A tremendous thank you to my extended family, my mother in-law and father in-law for making this transition as smooth and viable as we could have hoped for. THANK YOU! Between the two families, we could not of made this happen so comfortably and relatively stress free! Next, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my closest friends; the ones that were there to hold my hands in the most difficult/emotional times, as I spent without my loving wife and children: Matt Wood, Ash Nelson, Koji Nak, Heather Nakamura, Reiko Ajiro, Devaughn Barr, Trevor Cosman, Greg Tegler, Shelly McNeil, Risako Ota & Jon. I love you all! You dont know how much you guys mean to me! Im sorry that I havent been a better friend these past 7 months... I have my reasons; justifiable or not.... It has been a difficult transition without you guys with me here. Honorable mentions to thank for this past year: my extended-extended family at the Casino back home! My other-extended family (a.k.a. the neighbours, a.k.a. the Frames, the Treavors.) My wifes girlfriends in Japan that helped me plot my surprise arrival, and great friends Andrew D Nicholls, Noel Dunbar, Kelly Shi, Josh McGorman, Rick Meyers Owen Kinnersley, Aaron Colyn. (I apologize if I missed someone, I am really drunk writing this; Im sure this will be the first and only time that you hear this, but thank god for spell correct!) As Japanese as I can try to be, I have given my year a theme; my past year is best represented by the word(s) 確立 kakuritsu: to establish, to settle. I have spent this past year establishing our new life in a land across the sea; settling into a new life, a new home, a new job, and a new future. This year, my theme is: 発展 hatten: to develop. I plan to develop many things in this new year, beginning with: my career/business connections, my spoken Japanese and altogether knowledge of the language, my connection with my friends and family that I left behind in Canada, my friendships/connections with family and new friends here in Japan. Thank you everyone for the great year! 2014 was a blast! Im exhausted, yet in my corner ready for another round, with another challenge! Bring it on 2015! Lets see what we can make of you! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:36:14 +0000

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