司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning 九月二十八日 - TopicsExpress


司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning 九月二十八日 經文: 「耶和華從天上觀看,祂看見一切的世人。」(詩篇卅三:13) 這節經文多麼貼切地描述上帝的至高權柄,及慈悲為懷的心腸,祂從天上寶座俯視,觀看人間疾苦,為要幫助解決世人困難。所多瑪、蛾摩拉這兩座城雖惡貫滿盈、罪惡淘天,祂仍要親自訪察,才降天火滅之。 上帝啊,祢何等慈愛,我們真是愛祢!祢側耳聽我們的呼求,眼目眷顧軟弱人的需要!更渴望世人與祢和好,建立親密的關係。喔!主啊,我們怎能不愛祢,我們怎能不將心歸給祢?祢為我們預備前面的道路,祢連我們的頭髮都數過,這樣的真理知識超過我們所能理解,但我心歡然接受。 祢保護我們像保護祢眼中的瞳仁,祢不但關心我們地上的需要,更關心我們靈魂終極的好處。雖然天壤之間差距甚大,但藉著耶穌基督,這條又新又活的路,我們這有限的人類,得與無限的造物主聯合。當我們哀傷哭泣時,上帝知道,「父親怎樣憐恤祂的兒女,耶和華也怎樣憐恤敬畏祂的人。」(詩一○三:13)當我們憂傷歎息時,祂也與我們一起受苦難。「聖靈親自用說不出來的歎息,替我們禱告。」(羅八:26) 千萬莫以為上帝高高地坐在天上,好像離我們很遠,「上帝就是眾人的父,超乎眾人之上,貫乎眾人之中,也住在眾人之內。」(弗四:6)其實祂離我們很近,就在我們的心中,我們的眼淚祂看到,我們的祈求祂聽到,我們的痛苦祂明白,我們的信心祂也悅納。「耶和華的眼目遍察全地,要顯大能幫助向祂心存誠實的人。」(歷下十六:9) Morning, September 28 Scripture: “The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men.”(Psalm 33:13) Perhaps no figure of speech represents God in a more gracious light than when he is spoken of as stooping from his throne, and coming down from heaven to attend to the wants and to behold the woes of mankind. We love him, who, when Sodom and Gomorrah were full of iniquity, would not destroy those cities until he had made a personal visitation of them. We cannot help pouring out our heart in affection for our Lord who inclines his ear from the highest glory, and puts it to the lip of the dying sinner, whose failing heart longs after reconciliation. How can we but love him when we know that he numbers the very hairs of our heads, marks our path, and orders our ways? Specially is this great truth brought near to our heart, when we recollect how attentive he is, not merely to the temporal interests of his creatures, but to their spiritual concerns. Though leagues of distance lie between the finite creature and the infinite Creator, yet there are links uniting both. When a tear is wept by thee, think not that God doth not behold; for, “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” Thy sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah; thy whisper can incline his ear unto thee; thy prayer can stay his hand; thy faith can move his arm. Think not that God sits on high taking no account of thee. Remember that however poor and needy thou art, yet the Lord thinketh upon thee. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him. Oh! then repeat the truth that never tires; No God is like the God my soul desires; He at whose voice heaven trembles, even he, Great as he is, knows how to stoop to me. https://glorypress/devotional/FaithAndLifeOneYearBook.asp?bid=4&rdate=9/28
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:28:27 +0000

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