大家中秋節烤肉烤得夠不夠high? - TopicsExpress


大家中秋節烤肉烤得夠不夠high? 中秋之後還有什麼玩樂計劃呢? 以下提供幾個有趣的點子讓大家好好計劃一下: 1. 台南孔廟每年都會舉辦一系列的祭孔活動,除了傳統的祭孔大典外,還有許多值得探索的活動在孔廟文化園區進行中噢!窩台南就位在孔廟附近走路約十分鐘左右的距離,快來窩台南感受一下正港的南台灣文化之旅啦! 2. 在台南每天都有不一樣的夜市可以逛!上千種道地台南美食、小吃、特色點心...全都等著你來品嘗!不用擔心吃多了怎麼辦,因為 -- 3. 涼爽的秋天是最適合在台南漫步、單車旅行的季節!放慢你的步調,在古城裡探訪古蹟、寺廟、海港、博物館、公園、文創小店...吃吃走走走走吃吃!完全沒有熱量囤積過多的疑慮噢!來來來你來~窩台南還有提供單車租借的服務緊來哦~ So, after the BBQ festival (a.k.a Mid Autumn Festival), what can you look forward to visit Tainan? Here are a few clues to let you follow: 1. In the end of September, Confucian Temple will present you a traditional memorial ceremony for Confucius. And you know what, tell you a secret that Wow Tainan is just located next to the Confucian Temple Tainan about 10 mins walking distance!! 2. The Night Markets and thousands of kinds Taiwanese cuisines, street foods, snacks waiting for you to try it! 3. Autumn is the most comfortable season for visiting Tainan, the best weather for biking around the city and exploring historic monuments, temples, harbour, museums, parks.... you can rent a bike from Wow Tainas reception or just enjoy walking around! For those reasons, what are you waiting for? come!!!! :D #travel_Tainan #Travel #Taiwan #Asia #Backpacking #Culture #Cuisine #Tainan
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:39:16 +0000

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